Students union of Orel State University

 Students’ union of Orel State University is one of the oldest, sustainable, and progressive institutional bodies of students’ government in OSU.

The executive board of the students’ union is a union committee. The core target of the students’ union activity is to protect and present students’ rights and legitimate interests in social, economic and other issues. Student’s union advocates for the students’ rights and interests and works in with the government and all institutions, which are responsible for an implementation of the youth policy in the Russian Federation.

Students’ union major features and fields of concern:

  1. Social and economic activities

    • to participate in allocation of a stipend fund (a stipend committee at the faculties include a chairperson of the students’ union bureau);

    • to supervise catering arrangements in FSBEI HE “OSU n.a. I.S. Turgenev”;

    • orphan-students engagement;

    • students’ families management (development and dissemination of information on the government support of young families to help young families and students, who want to start a family. Consulting on projects “Family health”, “Accommodation for the young”, allowances and bonuses for students’ families and families with children);

    • to provide a financial assistance;

    • records of low-income students in FSBEI HE “OSU n.a. I.S. Turgenev”;

    • students’ dormitory check-in;

    • to buy and distribute of New Year’s gifts for students’ children.

  2. Legal work

    • to consult on education issues;

    • engagement in government documents development of FSBEI HE “OSU n.a. I.S. Turgenev”;

    • to aid and participate in the events, targeted to protect students’ rights;

    • to fill with high-level government agencies to protect students’ rights;

    • to provide the information to university students on acts, orders and other laws and regulations, referred to students’ rights and interests.

  3. Large-scale organisational work

    • to organise the training of active unionists, carry out workshops and seminars, focused on leadership development;

    • admission as a member of the students’ union;

    • execution of the union documentations, work with card-indexes;

    • control over the execution of decisions made;

    • informational work at the faculties;

    • conferences, reports and union’s elections management;

    • to approve students’ initiatives and develop of university traditions;

    • to assist in the management of conferences and university and regional academic competitions.

  4. Culture-into-masses work

    • to organise and run the events, workshops, master classes, concerts and contests of different kinds;

    • event management at the faculties of FSBEI HE “OSU n.a. I.S. Turgenev” by active unionists;

    • to organise entertainment events, parties, collaboration with clubs, cultural and leisure centres, theatres and cinemas;

    • to organise annual students’ competitions;

    • to promote KVN (Club of Funny and Inventive People) movement;

    • engagement in university and city mass cultural events;

    • Maslenitsa festival. Since 2007 this sport and entertaining festival for students, teachers and staff members has been conducted on the territory of the village “Zeleny bereg”, according to Russian traditions, eating blinis and “saying farewell to Winter”. The programme includes a concert, many interesting competitions in teams and entertainment for viewers;

    • Competition on the body art. Since 2007 there is conducted a competition on the body art. From 2009 to 2011 this project had won at the city youth projects competition. The competition was conducted by the Orel youth parliament and the project was awarded a grant from the city administration as a co-funding. This is a very lively and colourful show of the body painting. The project came to a multi-regional level. There participate students from Orel, Bryansk and Tula. Since 20013 the project has been included into the regional fair of the youth initiatives as an independent platform.

    • Competition “Leader of the year”. It has been conducted since 2009. It is a professional skill competition for chairpersons of the faculty union bureau. The competition is targeted on showing up creatively working chairpersons, who possess leadership skills, legal knowledge, self-presentation and oratory skills. The competition is worked inspired by all-Russia competition “Student leader”, which is carried out by all-Russia education trade union and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The winner of the competition participates in the district stage of the all-Russian competition “Student leader” in the Central Federal District. In 2012 the trade bureau chairperson of the faculty of economics and management was second in the Central Federal District and reached the final of the all-Russian competition

    • Competition “Trade union organiser of the year”. The competition has been held since 2008 to reveal professionalism and mastership of the group union leaders. The competition is targeted to detect creatively working university union organisers, who possess leadership skills, legal knowledge and managerial capabilities. The competition is worked inspired by all-Russia competition “Student leader”, which is carried out by all-Russia education trade union and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. There participate up to 10 union organisers from different faculties and institutes. In 2011 the competition developed into “Trade union organiser of the year in the Central Federal District”

  5. Health improvement and sports

    • health improvement for students: at the health and recreation resort of FSBEI HE “OSU n.a. I.S. Turgenev” (all year round);

    • public awareness campaign regarding health improvement and preparation of a health insurance card;

    • to consult regarding compulsory health insurance;

    • to organise of sports events at the faculties of FSBEI HE “OSU n.a. I.S. Turgenev”;

    • to participate in university and city recreational activities.

  6. Academicwork

    • to participate in decision making of the Academic Council of FSBEI HE “OSU n.a. I.S. Turgenev”;

    • to control the fulfilment of curricula and timetables;

    • to participate in educational committees at the faculties of FSBEI HE “OSU n.a. I.S. Turgenev”;

    • to settle disputes between teachers and students concerning teaching and learning process;

    • to organise meetings for students and university administration concerning teaching and learning process, campus life and recreation;

The representatives of the students’ union committee are obliged to take part in educational and scholarship committees, the commission, responsible for fact-finding and determination of incident causes, which may concern the university students. There are also 3 more committees in the students’ union committee:

  1. committee for spreading culture among masses and educational work;

  2. sports committee

  3. information committee

There are founded and work 3 clubs: a cycling club, sports club ASSK (students’ sports clubs association) OSU, KVN.

The most outstanding but traditional events:

“Mister OSU”, “Miss OSU”, School of commander’s staff of Russian students’ teams, sports festivals for students, sports marathon OSU ASSK, “IV Orel Model United Nations”, Dormitories’ festival, badminton championship for the union committee’s cup, camping trip within the cycling club activities under the supervision of the OSU union committee, theatre going, “Ropes course” to rally students and find leaders, OSU KVN League, patriotic game “Patriot”.

Every non-governmental organisation has a strong potential to improve its work in different directions. Our potential - members of the trade union, students from all faculties and institutions, their talents, abilities and the desire to make their collegial lives more interesting and outstanding!

Our students say: “When we come to the university, we shall not only gain knowledge but also we shall become self-reliant, creative and ambitious. Everything taken together is a higher education that will open all doors to us!!”