General information

general information

Student Responsibilities and Duties

A foreign student staying on the territory of the Russian Federation must have with him:
- national passport;
- study visa (for those arriving from countries with visa entry to the territory of the Russian Federation);
- a detachable part of the notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay with a mark from the territorial migration registration authority on migration registration, if any;
- migration card;
- fingerprint card.

Foreign students whose national passports are expiring are required to renew or replace them in advance at the Consular Sections of the Embassies of their states and notify the passport and visa department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "OSU named after I.S. Turgenev" about the availability of a new national passport.

A foreign citizen must immediately report the loss of a national passport to the internal affairs authorities (police), who will issue a corresponding certificate. Foreign students are required to notify the passport and visa department in writing about the loss of their national passport immediately after receiving a certificate from the internal affairs authorities, and provide a copy of this certificate. The certificate is submitted to the Embassy to obtain a new passport or temporary identity card for traveling to your home country.

A foreign student is obliged to inform the passport and visa department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "OSU named after I.S.Turgenev" in writing (in the form of an application) about the following:

- about trips to other cities within the Russian Federation and the country;
- about changing the address of residence (including about hospitalization in medical institutions);
- about change of citizenship;
- about obtaining (TRP), (RVPO), (residence permit), or temporary asylum.

A foreign citizen who has arrived to study at OSU and also has Russian citizenship is considered by the Russian Federation only as a citizen of the Russian Federation. A foreign citizen is obliged to notify the passport and visa department about his Russian citizenship.

Health insurance

A foreign citizen arriving to study at OSU is required to have a voluntary health insurance policy.
The specified policy must provide: medical examination; outpatient care; assistance in case of sudden illness; transportation (repatriation) to the homeland.

Fingerprint registration

According to the Federal Law dated 01.07.2021 N 274-FZ “On state fingerprint registration in the Russian Federation”, introduced by the Federal Law, foreign citizens arriving in the Russian Federation are subject to mandatory fingerprinting, photography and undergoing a medical examination for the presence of infectious diseases, drug addiction and HIV -infection.

Medical examination is carried out in the following medical organizations:

BUZ OO "Orel Dermatovenerological Dispensary",
address: Orel, st. Pushkina, 68, tel. +7 (4862) 71-74-06,;

BUZ NGO "Orel Anti-TB Dispensary".
address: Orel, st. Tsvetaeva, 15, tel. +7 (4862) 41—45-53,;

BUZ NGO "Orel Narcological Dispensary".
address: Orel, st. Karachevskaya, 42a, tel. +7 (4862) 77-09-39,;

BUZ NGO "Orel Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases."
address: Orel, st. Leskova, 31, tel. +7 (4862) 59-12-78,

Fingerprint registration, photography and acceptance of documents on the results of a medical examination take place at the territorial internal affairs authorities at the place of residence (stay).
For those arriving in Orel and the Orel region - at the address: Orel, st. Moskovskaya 155B and Artelny lane, 7 room. 115, tel. 54-11-62

Fingerprint registration and photographing are carried out once. A repeated medical examination must be completed 1 year from the date of receipt of the test results. After this period, foreign citizens are required to undergo a medical examination again within 30 calendar days and submit the results to the address: Orel, st. Moskovskaya 155B

If foreign citizens fail to fulfill their obligations to undergo mandatory medical examination and fingerprinting, the period of temporary stay in the Russian Federation of foreign citizens will be reduced, and they will be denied further stay in Russia, which entails deportation from the Russian Federation.

Obligation of a foreign citizen to leave the Russian Federation

A foreign citizen who arrived to study at Orel State University is obliged to leave the territory of the Russian Federation if the conditions have changed or the circumstances under which he/she was allowed to enter have ceased to exist, namely in the case of going on academic leave or in the case of expulsion from the number of students.
Those expelled from the university must leave the Russian Federation within the strictly established time frames of migration legislation:
- staying on the territory of the Russian Federation in a visa-free regime - within three days from the date of notification of the Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Orel Region about the reduction of their period of stay

- staying on the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of the RVPO - within three days from the date of notification of the Department for Migration Issues of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Orel region about the reduction of their period of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation;

- those staying on the territory of the Russian Federation under the visa regime - within three days from the date of notification of the Department for Migration Issues of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Orel region about the reduction of their period of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation or the date of expiry of the transit visa, which they are obliged to issue in the passport and visa department of OSU upon their expulsion from the university (the documents for the transit visa must be submitted by the foreign citizen not later than three working days from the date of his/her expulsion from the university).


A foreign citizen may be held administratively and/or criminally liable for violating the legislation of the Russian Federation. The grounds for administrative liability are defined in the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation, and criminal liability is defined in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
If a foreign citizen has been brought to administrative responsibility for committing an offence on the territory of the Russian Federation two or more times within three years, he or she may be denied further stay in Russia, which entails expulsion from the Russian Federation.
The rights of foreign citizens are prescribed by Russian legislation. Foreign citizens are liable on the same level as citizens of the Russian Federation.

Below you can read the text of the three main laws on the presence of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation:

Federal Law No. 115 ‘On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens’
Federal Law No. 109 ‘On Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation’.
Federal Law No. 114 ‘On the Procedure for Departure from and Entry into the Russian Federation’.