Russian test cosmonaut Ivan Wagner spoke about the target operation of the Lazma apparatus
Currently, the LAZMA target work is being carried out on board the International Space Station, where the Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics of orel State University, together with the Yu.A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center and the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is a co-investigator.
At the end of last year, test pilot Ivan Wagner already spoke about the progress of the experiment. In a new article, which was published on the educational platform, Wagner talks about new opportunities in studying peripheral blood flow and oxidative metabolism of biotissues using the LAZMA equipment.
Ivan Wagner: “Good afternoon, today I, ISS-72 flight engineer Ivan Wagner, will tell you about the LAZMA target work, which has been carried out on board the International Space Station since December 2021, using LAZMA PF analyzers developed by the Russian research and production enterprise LAZMA in cooperation with the Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev Orel State University.
Previously, doctors studied the mechanisms of human body adaptation to weightlessness on large arteries and veins of subjects, and in the LAZMA target work, data on blood microcirculation and oxidative metabolism of biotissues in capillaries were obtained for the first time.
To obtain information about blood flow and metabolism throughout the body, LAZMA PF analyzers are installed at different points of the body (on the head, fingertips, toes).
One subject and one assistant participate in the experiment. The assistant puts a special bandage on the head of the subject (A. Ovchinin) to attach the analyzers and places the analyzers symmetrically on the right and left in the forehead area. It is convenient that the analyzers transmit data via a wireless Bluetooth channel to the laptop via adapters.
Now we check that the devices are connected and start recording. During the measurements, the subject takes a motionless position and relaxes.
In the program, we see the following graphs. The red curve tells us about the intensity of blood flow and contains information about the speed and number of red blood cells in the capillaries. The blue graph is skin temperature, and the black one is data from the accelerometer, which records the movements of the subject. The columns on the right tell us about the intensity of metabolism.
In order to understand the dynamics of changes in blood microcirculation and metabolism in different parts of the human body, measurements are taken before the flight, at the beginning, in the middle and at the end, as well as on Earth after the astronauts return from the flight as part of the target work "LASMA". We are now in the middle of the flight, and we are taking measurements for the second time during the flight. After the session, we send the data we receive to Earth. Scientists process these records and tell us how our body reacts to weightlessness, that is, how it adapts to stressful (non-earthly) conditions."
Shrovetide event at the Faculty of Law
The Law Institute once again hosted a Maslenitsa event (Shrovetide), which for several years has been gathering students from different years at one table.
On February 27, the Department of Theory and History of State and Law held an event called "Maslenitsa" for students of the Law Institute studying in the specialty of international and comparative law, as well as for invited students of the preparatory faculty of the University. It should be noted that this is one of those events that students are really looking forward to, because it has already become a good and beloved tradition. This event brings together not only students from different countries, but also from different levels of education. The event, as part of the pedagogical practice, was organized and held by master's students in the specialty "Pedagogical Education: Historical and Legal Education".
This year, the celebration was also special because the 2024 graduates of the International and Comparative Law major attended it not as students, but as invited guests. Among them was Jeffson Telson, who shared his impressions of the event: “Thank you for the invitation! I would like to express my deep gratitude for the wonderful Maslenitsa holiday, a traditional Russian holiday that always brings joy and peace. It is clear how much effort and soul the organizers of the Law Institute put into creating a real atmosphere of fun and joy for the students. Thank you for your work, care and wonderful emotions that you gave to the students.”
Not only foreign students, but also Russian-speaking students were able to feel the enthusiasm, joy and fun, because the competitions and dances that were prepared by the master's students were really very positive.
The Maslenitsa celebrations took place in an atmosphere of warmth and friendship, where everyone could feel like part of the large and friendly family of the Law Institute. Pancakes, a symbol of the sun and the coming spring, became a tasty treat for all participants. The event once again confirmed the importance of preserving traditions and strengthening ties between students of different nationalities and levels of education.
A laboratory of molecular, translational and digital cardioimmunology was opened at orel state university named after i.s. turgenev
The official opening of the youth laboratory of molecular, translational and digital cardioimmunology took place at Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev.
The new research unit of the University was created within the framework of the national project ‘Science and Universities’ to fulfil the state assignment ‘Diagnosis and prognosis of cardiovascular pathology on the basis of integrated assessment of experimental and clinical biomedical data using intelligent systems to support medical decision-making’. The project is being implemented in partnership with JSC "Aviaavtomatika" named after V.V. Tarasov.
The laboratory became one of 200 new youth laboratories that successfully passed the competitive selection of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science in 2024 in accordance with the priority areas of science development to achieve technological leadership of Russia.
The main objective of the laboratory is to develop methods for predictive diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases, including the use of wearable medical devices.
The event was attended by Acting Rector of Orel State University Galina Zomiteva, Head of the Healthcare Department of Orel Region Alexander Alyanov, Acting First Vice-Rector Andrey Pashin, Acting Vice-Rector for Research and Project-Innovative Activities Larisa Borisoglebskaya, Advisor to the Rector's Office for Strategic Development Alexander Budarin, Acting Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Social and Educational Work Elena Senko, Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific and Technological Activities and Certification of Scientific Personnel Sergey Radchenko, Director of the Medical Institute Irina Snimshchikova, Chief Designer for Power Electronics and Power Supply System of JSC Aviaavtomatika named after V.V. Tarasov" Denis Bulatnikov, Chairman of the non-profit partnership "Medical Chamber of Orel Region", Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Vladimir Krugly, Head of the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor in Orel Region Mikhail Mikheikin, Acting Director of the territorial Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance of Orel Region Konstantin Bobrakov, as well as heads of medical and preventive institutions of Orel Region, representatives of the regional vascular center of Orel Regional Clinical Hospital, the regional center for the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure BSMP named after N.A. Semashko, teachers, staff, students of the University.
The symbolic red ribbon on the doors of the laboratory was cut by Galina Zomiteva, Alexander Alyanov and Larisa Borisoglebskaya. After the solemn ceremony the round table ‘Actual problems of cardiovascular diseases and ways to solve them’ started.
‘You know very well that nowadays a lot of attention is paid to the quality of life. And healthcare makes it possible to significantly improve it. I express my great gratitude to the workers of practical healthcare for their participation in our educational process. Only together with you we will be able to prepare a worthy replacement to help you.
Scientific research is no less important. They allow students to determine their further specialisation. Moreover, without science it is impossible to develop new methods. Especially now, in the era of digital technologies and artificial intelligence,’ said Galina Zomiteva.
Larisa Borisoglebskaya - supervising Vice-Rector of the project - emphasised that the opening of the laboratory takes place on the eve of the Day of Russian Science celebration, so the event takes on special significance.
‘The developments of the laboratory will provide effective personalised medicine and reduce mortality from cardiovascular diseases, reduce the burden on the healthcare system.
The ongoing scientific research should have a real practical output. Therefore, in today's situation, when artificial intelligence and technological sovereignty are becoming key factors in the development of the national economy, the tasks set for fulfilment in the youth laboratory are particularly relevant,’ Larisa Nikolaevna said.
The Head of the regional Department of Health, Alexander Alyanov, wished success to the laboratory team and noted that the results of their work will become an important tool in the fight against diseases of the circulatory system, which occupy leading positions in terms of the number of fatal outcomes:
"Therefore, reaching a new level of immunopathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, the task of which the laboratory sets itself, is an opportunity to approach the problem from a new angle. The results of the laboratory's activities are very much needed by the population of our country."
Vladimir Krugly, Chairman of the Non-Profit Partnership "Medical Chamber of Orel Region", addressed the youth laboratory team with a welcoming speech, wishing that the fruits of successful teamwork could be included in new clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of patients with cardiovascular pathology.
It should be noted that the creation of the laboratory of molecular, translational and digital cardioimmunology is based on a unique interdisciplinary approach - a team of young specialists in the field of medicine, instrumentation and information technology are working together to complete the task. For almost a year, the team has been conducting fundamental research on the features of the immunopathogenesis of cardiovascular pathology, while simultaneously working on the creation of sensors for assessing the main physiological parameters of health.
Acting Head and leading researcher of the laboratory Maria Revyakina spoke about the intermediate results of the research in her report "Cardioimmunology: a new look at the immunopathogenesis of ischemic heart disease".
"Cardioimmunology is a new area of medicine that unites previously disparate areas - cardiology and immunology. Today, there is an active search for informative immunological biomarkers to assess the risk of occurrence, development and prognosis of unfavorable course of cardiovascular pathology," explained Maria Olegovna.
Currently, the laboratory team has collected a large database: more than 1,000 patients have been examined, more than 200,000 indicators have been analyzed, more than 200 biomarkers have been identified. Based on machine learning methods, the laboratory staff managed to create a computer program that allows predicting the likelihood of myocardial infarction in patients with acute coronary syndrome with an accuracy of 96%.
Laboratory researcher Anton Karasev spoke about the provision of medical care for cardiovascular diseases in Orel region at the moment and noted how the results of the laboratory's activities can help improve the quality and accessibility of medical care.
The project curators for the fundamental part of the research, Irina Snimshchikova and Valery Vishnevsky, emphasized the high relevance of the research topic, and also highly appreciated both the quality of the research and the results obtained, wishing the young scientists not to stop there.
Senior researcher at the laboratory Alexey Selikhov spoke about the technical side of the project. He shared the process of developing an information and measurement system for monitoring human physiological parameters, which formed the basis for the operation of the sensors.
It should be noted that the team of the Department of Electronics, Radio Engineering and Communication Systems, led by PhD (Eng.), Associate Professor Vladislav Mishin, who has extensive experience in performing experimental design and technological work in the field of microelectronics, is responsible for the direction of developing and creating sensors for assessing the main physiological parameters of health.
Denis Bulatnikov, Chief Designer of JSC Aviaavtomatika named after V.V. Tarasov, is the consultant of the industrial partner. He spoke about the prospects of further joint implementation of the project and the possibilities of transition to real production.
Konstantin Bobrakov and Vladimir Konokotin spoke at the round table summarising the results of the laboratory's work, not only for medical and preventive health care institutions of Orel region, but also for the whole country.
During the panel discussion the floor was taken by the young employees of the laboratory Ekaterina Mityaeva and Alina Ageyeva, who expressed their impression of the work in the laboratory and spoke about the wide opportunities available to conduct scientific research and prepare theses and dissertations.
At the end of the opening ceremony, a guided tour of the laboratory was conducted for all those interested, and an opportunity to assess personal cardiovascular risk using a computer programme developed by the laboratory staff was offered.
OREL STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER I.S.Turgenev celebrated Russian Students' Day
On January 25, students of Orel State University, like thousands of students of higher education institutions of the country, celebrated their professional holiday – Russian Students’ Day. The celebration program consisted of various events and activities.
On the morning of January 25, the All-Russian physical education and sports event "Credit STUDzaBEG" was held in the park in front of the main building of the University. Students and teachers ran a 5 km distance together, charged themselves with energy and positivity.
Then the students visited the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God and took part in a festive service on the occasion of the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana and the celebration of Russian Students' Day.
The main part of the festive program took place on the territory of building No. 11. The organizer of the events was traditionally the Trade Union of Students of OSU.
Student teams tested their strength in an intellectual game and student races. The game was dedicated to various topics of student life, and to pass it, the guys had to cope with six rounds consisting of a variety of tasks, from knowledge of the University infrastructure to musical questions.
In the student races, teams helped "student Tatyana" successfully pass the midterm assessment: stations were located throughout the building, where the guys passed "tests" and "exams", received grades and filled out their "record book". Among the tasks were: a test in social engineering, an exam in fairy tales, a test in mythology, an exam in the analysis of information spaces, an exam in conflictology, etc. Students competed in intelligence, persuasiveness, the ability to defend their point of view, teamwork. It was important not only to get good grades, but also to hand in the "record book" to the "dean's office" on time.
At the same time, friendly football and volleyball matches between teachers and students were held in the sports complex.
The main event was a gala concert, where the best students in academic, research, social, cultural, creative and sports activities were awarded.
The guests of honor at the event were the first deputy chairman of Orel Regional Council of People's Deputies Mikhail Vdovin, Metropolitan Tikhon of Orel and Bolkhov, the Head of the Administration of Professional and Additional Education of the Department of Education of the Orel Region Natalia Adayeva, and the Deputy Head of the Department of Youth Policy and Implementation of Patriotic Projects Olga Varakina.
The management of Orel State University was represented by Acting Rector Galina Zomiteva, Acting First Vice-Rector Andrey Pashin, Acting Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Activities Natalya Laushkina, Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific and Technological Activities and Certification of Research Personnel Sergey Radchenko, Acting Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Social and Educational Work Elena Senko, Director of the Department of Youth Policy, Chairman of the Trade Union of University Students Roman Dashkevich.
The event began with the carrying out of the national flag by the banner group of cadets of the Military Training Center at the University under the command of Colonel Maxim Khristoforov and the performance of the anthem of the Russian Federation.
The guests of honor congratulated the students on their holiday and noted the importance of student life for the future of Russia.
“What would I like to wish you? You know, some of you think that now is your school year, and then adult life will begin and then we will do everything. Let’s do it here and now! Because your life is already going on and you need to dare. All the most exciting discoveries in life are made at a young age,” Olga Varakina noted.
Olga Sergeevna also thanked the students of Orel State University for their active academic and extracurricular activities, emphasizing their contribution to helping the participants of the special military operation, participating in collecting humanitarian aid for residents of border areas, and volunteering on the shores of the Black Sea.
Mikhail Vdovin cited Chekhov’s quote about Tatyana’s Day and wished the students to make the most of their “golden age” so that later they would have something to remember. The students supported him with thunderous applause.
Acting Rector Galina Zomiteva congratulated not only the students on the holiday, but also their teachers, who give their souls and hearts to their charges, pass on their knowledge and experience, and educate devoted citizens of their country.
“I wish you creative success, may everything in your life go well and be built the way you want. And thank you very much for making our lives brighter and allowing us not to feel our age,” said Galina Mikhailovna.
The awarding of the best students was followed by creative performances from groups and performers of the Center for Culture and Aesthetic Education of the University: powerful and bright dances, gentle vocal compositions, and finally a fashion show accompanied by the drum ensemble "Triumph".
In addition, the results of the student races were summed up at the concert - their prize winners were awarded sweet prizes and souvenirs from the Trade Union of Students and partners.
The final chord of the celebration in building No. 11 was a buffet, where students were treated to a warming drink from the hands of the rector - this is a long-standing tradition of celebrating Russian Students' Day at OSU named after I. S. Turgenev.
In the evening, the "Sports Student Night-2025" took place on the main square of the city. Orel city students competed in the skating relay, and their fans gave the most active support.
The results of 2024 were summed up at orel state university
The last meeting of the Rector's Office in the outgoing year was held at Orel State University. It summed up the results of the educational, scientific, social and other areas of the University's activities, and outlined plans for the next year.
The meeting began with a minute of silence in memory of the University employees who passed away in 2024, including Rector Alexander Fedotov, Doctors of Science Egor Shchekotikhin, Gennady Verkeenko, Andrey Turkov.
Acting Rector Galina Zomiteva thanked the Rector's Corps for their fruitful work in a difficult period for the University and prompt resolution of emerging issues.
"This year, we have achieved very serious achievements in various fields of activity. Our students and teachers worked very actively. We began to master new disciplines and implement them in practice, in particular, "Service Learning". The University has become a host site for a large number of regional events," said Galina Mikhailovna.
Acting First Vice-Rector Andrey Pashin reported on the measures taken to improve the University's life safety. This task is especially relevant today in connection with recent events.
The Head of the scientific school of Orel State University Vyacheslav Golenkov focused on the construction of the inter-university campus and outlined its importance for the development of university science and the training of personnel in demand in the region.
"This is a center that should work, first of all, in the areas of industrial enterprises of Orel region and the central part of Russia. In 2025, our departments and research units will have to develop curricula, research projects for the effective operation of the campus in 2026. Such work has already begun, and an advanced engineering school is being created, aimed at enterprises in our region," Vyacheslav Alexandrovich noted.
The topic of campus construction was continued by the Director of the Department of Administrative and Economic Policy and Infrastructure Development Denis Danilevich:
"As part of the campus construction, a Project Management Center was created, whose tasks, among other things, will include interaction with industrial partners. Six agreements have already been signed with enterprises that are ready to enter the campus territory with their projects in order to train personnel for themselves and develop the industry of Orel Region," he noted.
The University has also achieved significant success in the scientific direction. The most important ones were discussed by Acting Vice-Rector for Research and Project-Innovative Activities Larisa Borisoglebskaya and Acting Vice-Rector for Research and Technological Activities and Certification of Research Personnel Sergey Radchenko.
Among the scientific achievements of Orel State University: the launch of the second "mega-grant" under the leadership of the leading scientist from University College London Andrey Abramov, the opening of youth laboratories, the creation of the first dissertation council in Russia on intelligent transport systems, the successful implementation of the MedBioTech acceleration program, etc. More information about the scientific results can be found in this material.
The University staff has achieved no less high results in educational activities. Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Elena Alekseeva spoke about this in detail.
"The outgoing year pleased us with the admission figures. More than five and a half thousand applicants became students of the University - representatives of 20 regions of Russia and 37 countries of the world. Among those admitted to us, there are those who scored 100 and multi-point scores on the Unified State Exam, winners and prize-winners of Olympiads from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia," Elena Nikolaevna shared.
In addition, Gymnasium No. 1 of Orel State University has been included in the TOP-25 best schools in Russia for the second year in a row according to the results of the All-Russian competition "Big Change".
Acting Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Activities Natalia Laushkina noted the success of the University students in their studies. The students participate in a wide range of All-Russian competitions and Olympiads in various areas of training and achieve high results.
Natalia Semenovna said that this year the University significantly expanded the list of partner enterprises within the framework of practical training of students:
"At the moment, we have more than 2,500 contracts, of which 800 are long-term contracts, and we are not going to stop, because we are adding specialties, their range is expanding, accordingly, we need to attract other organizations. What is encouraging is that enterprises from the real sector of the economy themselves contact us, contact us in order to work together."
One of the main educational trends of this year and for the near future is attracting foreign applicants. Svetlana Aronova, Director of the Department of International Relations, spoke about how this situation developed at Orel State University. For example, the University became the only one in the region and one of six in the Central Federal District whose students were selected to participate in the World Youth Festival. One of them, Jeffson Telson, became the author of the best question asked to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov.
In addition, the University entered the TOP-10 universities in Russia in terms of the share of foreign students in the student body. Cooperation agreements have been signed with new countries for us, such as, for example, Malaysia and Ethiopia. And Serbia and Hungary have opened enrollment for scholarship programs, including for Russian citizens.
Acting Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Social and Educational Activities Elena Senko spoke about the successes and achievements of the University in the educational sphere and the victories of our students.
“The main task of the University is to prepare a highly qualified specialist, but no less important is the task of creating conditions for the comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual, for the self-realization of our students. And we can proudly say that these conditions have been created at the university - this is a developed infrastructure that allows students to engage in creativity, sports, volunteering and other areas of activity, of which there are very, very many,” noted Elena Vitalievna.
In her report, Elena Senko emphasized what a huge job the Volunteer Resource Center of Orel State University has done: 1,400 volunteers took an active part in helping people, primarily participants in a special military operation. Students and teachers have woven more than two thousand square meters of camouflage nets, are making candles, and collecting humanitarian aid. The University has opened two temporary accommodation centres for residents who were forced to leave the Kursk region.
Students and teachers of the University have achieved great results by participating in the "Your Move" project. Thanks to this, in the index of the effectiveness of educational activities of the project, OSU took 34th place among 713 universities in Russia.
12 students of our University receive a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation, two of them - in an especially large amount; 39 students are holders of the scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation, 150 - scholarships of the Governor of Orel Region; and also 150 students receive an increased state academic scholarship for achievements in various areas of activity.
Elena Vitalievna paid special attention to the sports successes of students: the University's women's mini-football team has again become the strongest in Russia, the basketball teams successfully perform in the ASB Higher Division, and the football team shows itself well in NSFL matches.
Director of the Department of Information Technology and Prospective Development Alexander Koskin reported on the work done to ensure information security and the introduction of digital services into the University’s work.
facts about ded moroz
Which you didn't know about
A red coat, valenki, a big sack and a long white beard - these are the signs by which every person in Russia recognises the good wizard, the symbol of the Russian New Year - Ded Moroz
We suggest you get a little closer to the hero who personifies the New Year's fairy tale in the Russian Federation. Where and with whom he lives, with whom he is friends, what is different in his life
New Year's Turgenev Ball
The traditional New Year's Turgenev Ball was held at Orel State University. The University students, gymnasium students and simply lovers of historical dances of different ages gathered again in the assembly hall of building No. 11.
The ball annually attracts a large number of participants who thoroughly prepare for it under the sensitive guidance of the organizers - representatives of the historical dance studio "Dynasty". For a month, couples learn complex dance patterns, choose costumes and masks and get in the mood.
The event was opened by Acting Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Social and Educational Work Elena Senko. In 2010, Elena Vitalievna supported the idea of organizing the ball and helped to bring it to life.
"I am very pleased that from year to year we hold it, and the number of people interested in this most beautiful event does not decrease, but increases. It permeates several generations of participants - not only students, but also graduates who take part in it every year.
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year, on this magical holiday! I wish you success in your work and I want you to always remain so beautiful, interested in getting together and giving each other beautiful things,” noted Elena Vitalievna.
The Turgenev Ball included two sections, during which couples danced twenty dances: Parisian waltz, polonaise, cotillion, polka ‘Serpentine’, counter-dance ‘Squirrel Hunt’ and many others.
"I have been doing folk dancing for quite a long time and I decided to take part in the historical ball as well. I found it a very interesting opportunity to prove myself. The classes lasted a decent amount of time, we studied for about a month, learnt different dances, combinations, tried ourselves. We had great teachers, we had a very friendly atmosphere at the classes. The event itself is amazing, I love it. I would very much like to take part in it next year," said Elizaveta Demidova, a first-year student of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.
The results of the Global Aggregated Ranking 2025 have been published
The results of the VI Global Aggregate Ranking 2025 have been published. It combines data from world rankings and assesses the place and role of universities in global educational processes.
The Ranking is based on a methodology that brings all the most authoritative international ratings to a common denominator. It is based on data from 13 most authoritative global institutional rankings and a combined database of accredited programmes of European and Asian quality assurance agencies. Each university is evaluated according to 13 criteria, but only the top 7 university indicators are taken into account.
Asia leads the 2025 rankings, followed by Europe and North America. In terms of the number of participating universities, China is in first place, Russia is in 4th place. The final ranking includes 165 Russian universities, among which is Orel State University. This position is evidence of the high assessment of the University's place and role in the global educational space.
Orel state University named after I.S. Turgenev presented scientific developments at the XIV International Forum "Arctic: Present and Future"
On 12 and 13 December, the XIV International Forum ‘Arctic: Present and Future’ named after A.N. Chilingarov was held in St. Petersburg. The event was attended by more than 2000 experts from different regions of Russia and foreign countries. Orel State University was represented by Larisa Borisoglebskaya, Acting Vice-Rector for Research and Project and Innovation Activities.
The Forum, organised by the Association of Polar Explorers with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation and relevant agencies, has become a key platform for discussing topical issues on the Arctic agenda. The main topic of discussion this year was ‘Human-centredness as a priority in the development of the Arctic zone’.
The programme included more than 45 events with over 400 speakers. Among them were Alexei Chekunkov, Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, Alexander Moiseyev, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, as well as representatives of business, science, education and public organisations. The Forum programme was structured in such a way that the participants had the opportunity to get answers to their questions and make proposals on fundamental issues of modern Arctic development at each discussion platform.
At the working session ‘Bottlenecks: How the power industry can keep up with the development of the Arctic’, Larisa Borisoglebskaya made a presentation on ‘Relevance of implementing predictive analytics systems for power generating facilities in the Arctic and the Far North: approaches and practical implementation’. She stressed that power plants of the Arctic regions are potential objects for implementation of methods of predictive analysis of serviceability and assessment of residual life of critical units of technical equipment based on actual operating conditions.
Larisa Nikolaevna also presented the results of research and development of the team of scientists of the IEC ‘Intellectual Technologies of Diagnostics and Monitoring of Power Generating Equipment’ of Orel State University under the leadership of Professor Roman Polyakov.
As Larisa Borisoglebskaya noted, the report aroused great interest among representatives of business structures, first of all, because the presented results have a high degree of readiness - UGT from 4 to 5, i.e. basic software products have been created, methods have been worked out and individual samples of hardware and software complexes have been developed, ready for implementation in practice. Potential objects of implementation of such systems can be any power generating stations operating in the Arctic and Far North.
The participants of the summit highly appreciated the potential of OSU scientists of and suggested ways of further cooperation with the Centre for Arctic Research, the Arctic Academy of Sciences and other organisations-drivers of development of the Arctic and Far North regions.
There were also many interesting new meetings at the Forum with prospects for further cooperation, in particular, with the North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk) represented by Rector Anatoly Nikolaev and Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Evgeny Soloviev, representatives of the Evenki Association of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutsk) represented by Lyubov Khristoforova, and with other northern universities and business structures.
OSU named after I.S. Turgenev in UI GreenMetric World University Rankings
The results of the world ranking of sustainable development UI GreenMetric World University Rankings have been published. It involved 1477 universities (300 more than in the previous year) from 95 countries. Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev took 766th place in the world ranking and 25th among 50 Russian universities.
UI GreenMetric World University Rankings is the most authoritative global ranking assessing the sustainable development results of world universities.
Universities are assessed in 6 categories:
Setting and Infrastructure
Energy and Climate Change
Education and Research
Orel State University showed good results in the categories of "Transportation", "Setting and Infrastructure", "Education and Research". Participation in the ranking and demonstration of stable results is a strong bid for leadership in the region in the field of sustainable development.
Foreign students of Orel State University were introduced to Russian national traditions
On November 28, the Festival of National Traditions was held at OSU named after I.S. Turgenev as part of the "OSU Unites" project. Students from Turkmenistan, India, Egypt and other countries took part in various master classes that introduced them to Russian culture.
Thus, at the "Russian Toy" master class, teachers and students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Orel state University told the children about the history of the "Christmas goat" doll, the traditions and customs associated with it. Then the foreign students made their own "Christmas goats" as a souvenir.
As part of the master class ‘Russian Traditions’, with the help of teachers from the Department of Catering Technology and Restaurant Management of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Biotechnology, students baked ‘Moscow Plushka’ and made milkshakes enriched with healthy substances.
‘I really enjoyed it! I like cooking myself, and it was very interesting to try such dishes,’ shared Ibrahim Abdallah Osama, a student of the Medical Institute from Egypt.
The final part of the festival was a lecture by Olga Zhidkova, senior lecturer of the Russian History Department, who introduced students to elements of historical costumes from the times of Tsarist Russia.
At the end of the festival, the participants had a tea party with handmade ‘Moscow plushkas’.
OSU named after I.S. Turgenev entered the rating "Times Higher Education Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025"
On November 21, the British publication Times Higher Education, one of the leaders in the field of assessing the quality of universities, specializing in covering current issues in higher education, together with the Schmidt Science Fellows Foundation, published the first global interdisciplinary scientific ranking, “Times Higher Education Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025”.
The ranking measures the contribution of world universities to the development of interdisciplinarity in science. The measurement is based on three groups of criteria:
- inputs (19%) – research funding and research income are taken into account;
- process – the possibility of conducting interdisciplinary research at the university, the university’s support for the research team are assessed;
- outputs – the number of publications on scientific research, their quality, and results are taken into account.
A total of 749 universities from 92 countries are represented in the “Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025”, including 38 Russian higher education institutions. Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev debuted in the ranking with a result of 401+, taking a leading position among Russian universities. It should be noted that the results of the activities of the Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics were presented in the ranking.
The Sozvezdie Orel Educational Centre hosted its first French language educational shift
From November 11 to 24, 2024, at the educational center "Sozvezdie Orel", teachers of the Department of Romance Philology implemented the additional education program "Learning French Easily and with Pleasure!" for students in grades 7-11, including for the winners of the III All-Russian competition of reports among students of secondary schools and 1-2 year bachelor's students studying foreign languages "My First Scientific Work".
A total of 11 schoolchildren from Verkhovye, Kolpna, Livny, Orel, Trosna and Khotynets took part in the educational shift.
For two weeks, under the guidance of experienced teachers of the Department of Romance Philology Elena Kozelskaya, Tatyana Mironova and Ekaterina Kharlashina, the schoolchildren were intensively engaged in language practice, improving their communicative competencies and continuing to get acquainted with the culture of the country of the studied language. Modern teaching methods and technologies, various game and creative types of work in the classroom were used in the educational process.
At the end of the educational shift, the students prepared individual creative projects in French, revealing not only their interests and individual characteristics, but also aspirations and plans for the future.
‘I really enjoyed this shift! I increased my existing knowledge and acquired new ones. I also really liked the approach of our teachers, which gave me the opportunity to try different ways of learning a language,’ shared Evgenia Novikova, a tenth grader from Orel.
‘This shift was very good, even excellent. I learnt a lot of new and interesting things, got acquainted with guys from different cities and towns. There were a lot of interesting and informative things at the profile lessons of French language. All teachers taught very well, made the lessons colourful and interesting’, - said Veronika Burtseva, 8th grade student from Verkhovye.
‘I really enjoyed my time at the Sozvezdie Orel centre! I made a lot of new friends, learnt a lot of new and interesting things. I really liked the teaching of French and all the other subjects,’ said Matvey Odeyanenko, a tenth grader from Livny town.
Tatyana Retinskaya, Head of the Romance Philology Department, took part in the closing ceremony. The teachers and their students summarised the results of the two-week intensive study of French and wished to continue cooperation. The organisation of mixed-format shifts, including distance courses focused on the development of individual projects, is being considered as a new stage of cooperation.
The Department of Romance Philology expresses its sincere gratitude to Tatyana Shportova, head of the regional center for identifying, supporting and developing the abilities and talents of children and youth, and to the entire team of the Sozvezdie Orel centre for the productive partnership.
Detailed information about how the educational shift took place can be found in the official VKontakte group of the Department of Romance Philology.
Participation in the 11th China-Russia Engineering and Technology Forum
From 26 to 31 October, Larisa Borisoglebskaya, Acting Vice-Rector for Research and Design and Innovation Activity, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Economics, took a business trip to the XI China-Russia Engineering and Technology Forum (Harbin), organised by the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations. The delegation was headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the direction ‘Oriental Studies. International Relations’, Deputy Chairman of the Regional Branch of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Victor Larin, included Hero of Russia, Russian test cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev, as well as leading heads of universities and enterprises.
The Forum aims to create a top-class platform for academic, technological and industrial exchanges and co-operation between China and Russia.
- Larisa Nikolayevna, the China-Russia Engineering Technology Forum is a business platform for exchange and co-operation in the field of engineering technologies between China and Russia. What is the peculiarity of its holding in 2024?
- The Forum was organised by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Gulyaev and the Heilongjiang People's Government.
The Forum consisted of a plenary session and sub-forums, including those on the digital economy, commercial space, polar marine equipment, and a study tour of the city of Harbin. About 300 specialists participated.
The Forum is an excellent platform for academic exchanges, innovation and cooperation, demonstration of development scenarios, investment and entrepreneurship in the fields of aerospace, shipbuilding, intelligent equipment, information network security and others. The Forum organised the following events: Sino-Russian Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Sino-Russian Engineering Technology Forum, Sino-Russian Digital Economy Forum, Sino-Russian Commercial Space Forum, Sino-Russian Youth Science and Technology Exchange Events, Sino-Russian Academic Salon for Young Talents.
- Larisa Nikolaevna, tell us about your personal participation in the Forum.
- At the XI China-Russia Engineering and Technology Forum, I delivered a plenary report on the topic ‘Creation of Digital Logistics Platforms as a Driver of Digital Transformation of Transnational Economic Relations of BRICS Countries’. The study revealed that the development of transport and logistics industry through the construction of digital logistics platforms, the creation of digital ecosystems and the expansion of transport corridors that reduce transaction costs, increase the speed of trade turnover, as well as the introduction of intelligent high-tech systems are important for strengthening the potential of economic interaction between the BRICS countries.
The BRICS countries are utilising the best practices of the global movement towards a data economy. The profound transformation of trade and economic relations between the BRICS countries has taken place under the influence of major trends in the use of digital and information technologies in commercial activities at all levels. At the same time, real trade and economic integration is achievable through the introduction of modern digital technologies and tools in all stages of decision-making.
For reference.
Larisa Nikolayevna has experience of co-operation with China. In 2013, she gave an author's lecture course on the monograph ‘BRICS Development in the Global Space: Potential for Cooperation and Trends in Economic Processes’ for master's and postgraduate students at Beijing Normal University.
- What are the outcomes of the trip for further deepening Sino-Russian relations and the prospects of co-operation for our University?
- As part of the business programme, our delegation visited Heilongjiang University, Harbin Polytechnic University, and Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences, where further interaction and cooperation were discussed. Harbin Polytechnic University is among the top 50 best universities in the world and among the top five best universities in China.
A memorandum on the establishment of the BRICS Federation of Engineering Organisations was developed and signed at the Forum.
In addition, the Forum discussed the prospects of cooperation development in the field of engineering and technological innovations, as well as presented new projects and initiatives aimed at strengthening ties between the BRICS countries.
I have presented agreements from Orel Staet University for further consideration and formation of proposals for mutual co-operation, as well as booklets of projects on advanced digital, intelligent production technologies developed by scientists of our University.
In the course of participation in the Forum and attending the events, professional experience was exchanged, joint solutions to current issues of our time were found, and plans for further mutually beneficial co-operation were created.
Chinese colleagues showed deep interest in continuing further dialogue.
The results of the visit were proposals to open a Chinese language study centre in Orel on the basis of our University, a branch of the Centre for Russian-Chinese Humanitarian Cooperation and Development in Moscow, as well as the conclusion of agreements with Heilongjiang University and Harbin Polytechnic University on Chinese language study, exchange of students and researchers, participation in joint projects and other.
The delegation of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire EMBASSY visited OREL STATE UNIVERSITY
On 2 November, a delegation from the Embassy of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire headed by the Charge d'Affaires of the Embassy, Mr Konan Koffi Leon, visited Orel State University. At the meeting with the University administration, the guests discussed the prospects of possible co-operation in the educational and scientific spheres.
Konan Koffi Leon noted that all students from the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire who study at Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev demonstrate the high quality of training that the University provides, as well as the friendly attitude of teachers and staff towards them, and expressed gratitude for this.
It should be noted that almost 40 citizens of Côte d'Ivoire are currently studying at the University, including postgraduates and residents. Among them are excellent students. The first students from this country appeared at the University back in the 80s and they studied in pedagogical specialties. Currently, many students from the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire study at the Medical Institute and the Institute of Economics and Management.
The Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire noted that the goal of his visit is to encourage students to take a more responsible attitude to their studies and to fulfill other requirements. A visit to OSU named after I.S. Turgenev is an integral part of his visits to Russian universities where citizens of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire study.
Among the further prospects for cooperation are the expansion of the number of students from the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, including through training in those specialties that are most needed by the country, the exchange of teachers and students, the conclusion of agreements between OSU named after I.S. Turgenev and universities of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, the University's assistance in creating a center for the study of the Russian language in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire in order to prepare future students in advance for studying in higher education programs in Russia.
At the end of the visit, the delegation got acquainted with the works of teachers and students of the Art and Graphic Faculty of Orel State University.
‘Happy Diwali’
OREL STATE UNIVERSITY hosted a traditional evening of Indian culture
It was dedicated to Diwali: Festival of Lights, a major Indian and Hindu holiday. Its main elements are luminous lanterns, lights and lit candles symbolising the victory of good over evil. The festival was organised by Medical Institute of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev
"Diwali is a festival of fire, light and goodness, in many ways similar to the Russian New Year. There are 800 students from India studying at the Medical Institute now, and for the tenth year in a row we have been creating such a holiday for all our students.The key moment is a colorful concert of Indian art, but before it starts, everyone can enjoy various Indian traditions: see the traditional Rambuli ornament of the Indians, which is painted in front of the house and the exhibition "The diversity of Indian culture and life", visit a corner where beautiful Indian women will help you try on your favorite sari, as well as the most popular - henna painting on the skin Mehendi. This year's innovation is a master class in Indian dance, which is being held right now by Raghav Sharma, a fourth-year student - the leader of the students from India, and third-year student Honey Sharma. I wish you a happy Diwali, peace to all our homes and families. Let the friendship of nations always be a priority!’, - said Paitsar Danielyan, festival organiser, responsible for working with foreign students of Orel State University Medical Institute.
The culmination of the evening was the concert program. It started with the important tradition of lighting the Diwali fire. The guests of honor - Acting First Vice-Rector Andrey Pashin, Director of the International Relations Department of Orel State University Svetlana Aronova, Head of Orel Branch of the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia Galina Glazova, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Medical Institute Lyudmila Kachmarskaya, Head of Student Dormitories Ivan Silkin and Commandant of Dormitory No. 3 Natalya Shoshina symbolically lit candles and were marked with the famous Indian bindi - a colored dot that Hindu women draw in the center of their foreheads, the so-called "third eye".
"Wishing you a good time tonight and cheering everyone on loud and loud. This event is great because we Russians will learn much more about India, gain respect and a deeper understanding of Indian culture. And you will understand us Russians more. Let's build good, kind, friendly relations between our countries with great traditions and colourful cultures”,Andrey Pashin wished the audience.
The spectacular concert combined energetic hip-hop with Indian songs, traditional dances and songs of India, modern pop compositions in Indian language, as well as a fascinating dance duet of a Russian woman and an Indian man. The audience actively supported the performers, sang along with them as if with karaoke, lit up flashlights on their phones to lyrical songs, shouted festive lines and the unchanging "Happy Diwali" after each number.
"India is one of our largest diasporas. When the sun begins to set in Russia, India gives a small piece of light, lighting it in its own hearts and in the hearts of all those involved in the holiday. I wish you that the light we light every year never goes out, ‘ Svetlana Aronova said from the stage.
The performances ended with a powerful mass dance and ceremonial speeches by Indians – representatives of companies that are involved in attracting Indian students to study at Orel state University.
BRICS Universities Ranking
The Association of Ranking Compilers (ARC) has prepared the first pilot version of the BRICS universities ranking. The idea of the ranking was proposed in 2023 by representatives of South Africa, and in the same year it was enshrined in the declaration following the meeting of BRICS education ministers. Russian President Vladimir Putin had previously approved the idea of preparing BRICS university ranking based on the “Three University Missions” family of rankings developed by the Russian Rectors’ Union since 2012. This initiative was put forward on February 8 at the meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education by Viktor Sadovnichy, President of the Russian Rectors’ Union and Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The final list included 600 educational institutions from ten Commonwealth countries: Brazil, Egypt, India, Iran, China, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and South Africa. The leaders of the BRICS universities ranking were Peking University (1st place), Lomonosov Moscow State University (2nd place) and Tsinghua University (3rd place). The largest number of universities in the ranking — 207 — are located in China. The second country by number of participants in the ranking was Russia (161 universities), third place in this parameter was taken by India (93 universities). Next comes Brazil (55 universities) — the BRICS country with the highest concentration of strong universities outside Eurasia. Iran is represented in the ranking by 27 universities, all other participating countries have less than 20 universities in the final list.
The top hundred of the ranking included 24 universities from Russia. The highest positions, in addition to Moscow State University, were taken by Saint Petersburg State University (5th place), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (6th place), National Research University Higher School of Economics (10th place) and National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (15th place).
Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev entered the group of world universities with the position 401+. The strongest side of Russian universities is the quality of education, which is also typical for our University. The entry of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev into the ranking of universities of the BRICS countries with such positions is another result of the recognition of the University's work at the global level.
The results of the global world university ranking
Source: Sam Chivers
The results of the global world university ranking THE Impact Rankings 2024 have been published. This annual ranking assesses the contribution of universities to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It is based on 17 SDGs listed in the UN resolution. When determining the place in the ranking, the results of the university's work on the selected SDGs on environmental and socio-economic issues are taken into account. The following areas are analyzed:
- Research (the impact of scientific knowledge on the specified issues)
- Stewardship (effective management)
- Outreach (results of influence in the region)
- Teaching (training of qualified personnel)
In 2024, 1963 universities from 112 countries took part in the ranking, 79 of them from Russia. OSU named after I.S. Turgenev with a number of Russian universities, including those with the status of research, is included in the 1001+ group.
The University has achieved its greatest successes:
SDG 3 - Healthy lifestyle and well-being. The University's contribution to the physical and mental health of students was assessed. The role of the Medical Institute in the region in terms of cooperation with medical institutions, training of personnel for the needs of the region and the country as a whole, and the demand for medical specialties among foreign applicants were noted.
SDG 4 - Quality of education. The conditions for providing high-quality education at the University and training of personnel for the needs of the region and the country were assessed. Cooperation of the University with schools, NGOs, and the implementation of the Financial Literacy project.
SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth. Compliance with labor legislation was assessed in terms of respect for the rights of University employees, protection of their interests by the trade union, and provision of decent wages.
The results of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev in the largest world ranking of universities are recognition of the University's work at the global level.
Participation in the 18th International Conference "Laser Application in Life Sciences (LALS 2024)"
The staff of Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics of Orel State University took part in the 18th international conference “Laser application in life sciences (LALS 2024)”, which was held from October 11 to 14 in Mugla, Turkey.
LALS is one of the leading events in the field of laser applications in biological sciences, at the intersection of laser physics, photochemistry, photobiology, photobiomedicine and biophotonics.
The invited speakers were:
Andrey Dunayev, Leading Researcher at the Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics, "Biophotonics methods for studying the functional state of microcirculatory-tissue systems during long-term isolation in the ground model of a space station and in space flight conditions";
Victor Dremin, Senior Researcher at the Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics, "Hyperspectral imaging of intestinal ischemia supported by machine learning".
Also, research fellows of the Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics Elena Zharkikh (“Wearable laser Doppler flowmetry for the study of blood microcirculation peculiarities in the forehead skin in patients in the remote post-COVID period”) and Ekaterina Bryanskaya (“Complex application of fluorescence imaging and digital diaphanoscopy methods for screening pathological conditions of the oral mucosa and the maxillary sinus tissues”) presented their reports.
On the last day of the Conference, an Awards Ceremony was held for the winners of the young scientists’ report competition, in which Ekaterina Bryanskaya took second place.
The Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics expresses its deep gratitude to the team of organizers and participants of the Conference.
VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Language. Culture. Communication: Learning and Teaching’
On 10-11 October, the Institute of Foreign Languages hosted the VIII International Scientific and Practical Full-time Conference (with the possibility of remote participation) ‘Language. Culture. Communication: Learning and Teaching’.
The interesting programme of events included a plenary session, where 13 reports of prominent scholars and researchers were presented, two master classes, a youth round table and a cultural part.
The Conference was attended by Maria Kovshova, chief researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexei Minchenkov, professor at St. Petersburg State University, Lyubov Nefedova, professor at Moscow State University, and Olga Orlova, researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The reports of the Conference participants reflected the results of the latest research of specialists in the history of linguistics, cognitive linguistics, translation, phraseology, stylistics and others.
Students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology are prize winners of the inter-university Olympiad in spiritual and moral culture
A team of students from the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Orel State University took part in the tournament of the festival of teams of the interuniversity Olympiad in spiritual and moral culture and took 3rd place. The theme of the Olympiad was "Strengthen the family, because it is the foundation of any state (words from the will of Alexander III)." The Olympiad was timed to coincide with the Year of the Family in Russia, celebrated in 2024.
The meeting took place on the territory of the State Military-Historical Museum-Reserve "Prokhorovskoye Pole" in the video hall "Battle for the Weapons of the Great Victory". The honorary guests of the events were actress and director Olga Budina, military journalist and combat veteran Gennady Alekhine, actress and singer Anna Artamonova.
The team of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology was represented by second-year students of the training program 44.03.05 "Pedagogical Education, profile: Preschool Education and Primary Education": Olesya Belousova, Daria Bogdashkina, Tamara Erokhina, Elizaveta Livenceva and Kristina Noskova. The team was led by Associate Professor Irina Shchekotikhina.
The tournament program consisted of a competition of video clips of participating teams about their university, teams' answers to the host's questions on the topic "Family" and the task "Your Solution", during which the participants had to solve a problematic life situation.
A total of 10 teams from universities in different regions of our country (the Republic of Bashkortostan, Saratov, Voronezh, Yelets, Bobrov, Belgorod, etc.) took part in the event. Three of them, including our team, participated in the tournament remotely.
International students of orel state university learnt more about the history of the city of Orel
On 11 September, freshmen from other countries were given a walking tour of the landmarks of the capital of Orel region.
The event was held as part of the Hospitable Environment project. The event was organised by the Educational Work Department of Orel State University, the Poliot Youth Centre and Orel Centre for Children's Technical Creativity and Tourism.
The walking route along the central historical sights was accompanied by Galina Danilova, a guide-methodologist of the Department of Local History and Excursion Work of the Centre of Children's Technical Creativity and Tourism of Orel. Her fascinating story introduced the students to the history of the founding of the city of Orel at the confluence of the rivers Oka and Orlik. The children learnt how in 1566, by decree of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the Orel fortress was laid to protect the southern borders of the Moscow state.
Also during the tour the foreign students learned about the city receiving the official status of ‘Literary Capital of Russia’, visited the monuments to I.A. Bunin and I.S. Turgenev, got acquainted with Orel Academic Theatre named after I.S. Turgenev and Library named after I.A. Bunin.
Great interest was aroused by the view of the city panorama from the height of Proletarskaya Hill, as well as acquaintance with the heroic pages of Orel: Victory Boulevard - the memorial of military glory and the renewed park of L.N. Gurtiev, as well as the feat of the legendary general-liberator.
Orel scientist will make a report at the international conference in France
The head of the International Research Laboratory “Problems of Social and Territorial Heterogeneity”, head of the Department of Romance Philology at orel state University Tatyana Retinskaya will take part in the work of the XX International Scientific Conference on Onomastics, organized by the National Archives of France and the University of Caen.
For reference.
Onomastics is a section of linguistics that studies proper names, the history of their origin and transformation as a result of their long-term use in the source language or in connection with borrowing into other languages.
The event will take place from 11 to 13 September. Tatyana Ivanovna will present the results of her research on regional variants of French in a remote format.
‘The study emphasises the importance of territorial linguistic features and their impact on cultural identity. In the context of such growing challenges as migration and global media influence, understanding and respect for linguistic diversity and regional dialects as an intangible cultural heritage become especially important,’ notes the Orel sociolinguist.
Tatiana Retinskaya was the only Russian scholar invited to participate in the conference.
Tatiana's work on sociolinguistic analyses of French corporate argot and regiolects is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. She is constantly involved in field research of French speech practice, for whom unconventional (non-conforming - ed.) lexical units are a natural and organic source of word usage. Tatiana Retinskaya has published more than 220 scientific and educational works on this problem, including 8 articles in scientific journals indexed in foreign databases (Scopus, Web of Science) and in RSCI.
The results of Tatyana Retinskaya's participation in the scientific conference will be posted in the social networks of the Department of Romance Philology.
orel state university Tour League successfully completed a scientific and educational expedition to the Kola Peninsula
From 27 July to 5 August the team of OSU Tourist League traditionally carried out the annual expedition to the heart of the Khibiny Mountains.
Every summer the Tourist League together with the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of Orel State University organises hiking trips to different corners of our vast country from the Crimea to the Caucasus. One of such corners is the Khibiny mountain tundras on the Kola Peninsula. These are very old mountains, their age is more than 300 million years.
‘It was the first time we participated in this kind of activity, so ten days in tents seemed unusual, but the company was great. We overcame ourselves, learnt to think ahead, bathed in a mountain stream and slept on rocks, and also observed incredible beauty. Most memorable was conquering one of the highest peaks. Physically it was difficult, but when you reach the top, stand on the very edge and watch the scenery, you realise - it was not in vain. We would go again, because ten days were not enough to learn all the secrets and beauty’ - said Maxim Korotkov and Tatiana Koshcheeva, a student of the Institute of Instrumentation, Automation and Information Technology of OSU and a student of the Faculty of Art and Graphic Arts of our University.
This year the expedition team consisted of 45 people of different ages and cities of Russia, including students and graduates of Orel State University. Within 10 days, the travellers successfully made a trip beyond the Arctic Circle, to the Kola Peninsula in the Khibiny Mountains!
‘My husband and I love travelling, but it was the first time we went on such a serious camping trip. The experience of small trips helped, as we already had the skills of cooking over a fire, sleeping in a tent and so on, but during the excursion no one was left without attention and even beginners adapted quickly. Physical endurance increased and a strong social circle was formed. We had a lot of bonding activities, from daily campfire meetings to rafting across the river. We even played real KVN game, where we divided into teams and performed humorous skits. Of course we were engaged in scientific activity - we found different mineral rocks. Next year we plan to go on an expedition to Arkhyz or conquer the Elbrus region with the Tour League’ - shared Anastasia Evdokimova, a graduate of Orel State University and a participant of the expedition.
Each expedition includes an updated route – after all, the global goal is to mark safe trails for tourists, for example, throughout the Kola Peninsula. During the expedition, we managed to survive various weather conditions, fully experience the nature of the Khibiny Mountains, the romance of hiking conditions, and even get to the period of white nights in the north.
‘We have been visiting the Kola Peninsula since 2013, we have found a lot of interesting artefacts and evidence. It is a mystical place, along with Tibet and the Pyramids of Egypt. This year, when we took a new route to Akademicheskoye Lake, we saw how rain and clouds really form. In the process of rain a sun funnel was formed in the sky, from which a ray of light was coming, despite the fact that the rest of the sky was covered with clouds. We brought a lot of stones and minerals, which were traditionally handed over to the Department of Chemistry for spectral analysis and further joint study. We had even more than we needed. The second task was to mark safe trails, both in the field and in electronic navigators, so that the route could be visited by anyone, even without the participation of professional tourists and guides. The most important thing, of course, is that the guys learnt to live in tents, to climb ropes, to cook food over a fire, to live in camping mode, to master the skills of mountaineering and physical training. In 10 days we became ready for more serious expeditions. Nobody got sick or had conflicts, we lived as a big family. Now we are preparing to leave for Arkhyz, then to Prielbrusie. Then we hope to make a regular ascent to Elbrus’ - said Stanislav Makhov, head of the Tourist League, lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Sports at Orel State University.
The research potential of the League's expeditions is high and attracts both professionals and amateurs.
‘We are looking for stones for the second year, for me studying them is a hobby. At first I just asked to bring them back, last year I travelled there myself. In the Khibiny massif the most common minerals are astrophyllite or otherwise Khibiny gold, eudialyte, aegirine with green casts, orthoclase of white colour. Very rarely there are stones made of one mineral, mostly they contain several minerals. Habinite is common - a mineral of greenish colour with black inclusions. In the final version we make souvenirs out of them and also study them together with the Department of Chemistry’ - said Tatyana Rtischeva, Deputy Director for Information Technologies of the University Scientific Library.
Having united people of different ages, cities and worldviews, the expedition made it possible to realise all the planned goals: to build new safe routes in the Khibiny Mountains, to study minerals and nature, to teach travellers the basics of mountaineering and mountain tourism. Experienced TourLiga instructors, former travellers and beginners became a friendly team in 10 days.
‘The participants showed themselves perfectly, became more confident in the process of the classes. We implemented an updated route, which became more interesting and touched the Academic Lake. We continued marking trails, found many springs with drinking water. In a few days we are heading to Arkhyz - a more southern, colourful, flowery mountain section. As instructors, we try to support, advise, teach and give confidence to the participants. We are waiting for everyone to join our instructors, we will teach you everything from scratch. We are always happy to welcome guests and those who have been with us for many years’. - concluded Alexey Timashov, League instructor.
All team members coped with the ascents, overcame their fears and insecurities, and were able to experience the severity, beauty and majesty of the Khibiny Mountains! The next large-scale expedition to the Caucasus Mountains to Arkhyz will take place from 15 to 22 August.
On June 20, 2024 Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev opened the doors to future students! The Admission campaign 2024/2025 has begun!
Admission of foreign citizens to study at Orel State University is carried out according to the general rules of admission of foreign students, unified for the whole territory of the Russian Federation. Information about admission terms, admission tests, areas of study, documents for admission, admission points and tuition fees, points for individual achievements can be found on the website of the university in the Admissions section or by calling 8 (4862) 41-77-77, 8-906-661-67-67-67.
Information about the procedure of admission and study in Russia under the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation you can find on the website - Official website about higher education of foreign students in the Russian Federation. There you can choose the level of education, direction of study, as well as see Russian universities and send an application to them. Also, information about living and studying on the territory of the Russian Federation can be found at the Russian Houses (Rossotrudnichestvo branches) in your country.
The academic year at Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev lasts from September to July (01.09-30.07), including periods of practice, if they are provided for in the curriculum.
The University provides training in full-time, part-time (evening) and correspondence forms of education at all levels of higher education: bachelor's, specialist's, master's and postgraduate studies, residency.
Duration of training:
1. Full-time education
Bachelor - 4 years; Master's degree – 2 years.
2. Part-time education
Bachelor - 5 years; Master's degree – 3 years.
3. Correspondence education
Bachelor - 5 years; Master's degree – 2 years 5 months.
Admission to the University is based on the results of entrance examinations. The language of tuition is Russian.
Foreign citizens who do not speak Russian or whose level of Russian language proficiency is insufficient to study at the university can study at the Preparatory Department of our University.
The beginning of training at the Preparatory Department occurs as groups are formed, starting in September. Training is carried out in groups of 8 to 19 people.
Information about the conditions of study at the preparatory department is presented on the university website:
Information on migration registration and stay of foreign citizens
Accommodation of students family members and issuing invitations for them at the University is not provided.
Benefits for disabled people, orphans and other benefits do not apply to foreign citizens. Admission to secondary vocational education programs and the military department is not carried out for foreign citizens. Foreign citizens can enroll either on the same basis as Russian citizens according to entrance examinations, or under a quota of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
When studying by correspondence educational programs, a foreign citizen does not receive a study visa, and therefore must have another reason for staying in the Russian Federation on a permanent or temporary basis (employment, family member visa, etc.). For such students entry at the invitation of the University is possible only during periods of session and state exams.
In order to transfer from another university to Orel State University, a foreign citizen must be proficient in the Russian language, then consult the following phone numbers: 8 (4862)74-09-44, 8(906)569-81-11, 8(906)664-32-22.
If your entry to the territory of the Russian Federation requires a visa, you need an invitation from Orel State University. Only enrolled students (who successfully passed entrance tests and have received the Order of Admission) or students of the preparatory department who have fully fulfilled the conditions of admission, including the conclusion of contracts and, in certain cases, who have paid tuition fees for the first year and who have sent supporting documents can receive an invitation for study purposes. The deadline for receiving the invitation is 45-60 days from the moment the University Passport and Visa Support Service receives the full set of documents and confirmation of their receipt. The deadline may be extended in case of a large number of applicants and limited if the university is unable to issue letters of guarantee.
The invitation is prepared by the Migration Service of the Russian Federation, then it is sent by the University to the student’s personal address in electronic form.
Transfer of students under the quota of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is carried out only from July 1 to August 31.
All questions about training and paperwork for admission, the availability of dormitories and entry into the territory of the Russian Federation can be found in the specialized section on the University website.
If you have not found the required answer, contact the Faculty of Training for Foreign Students at the address: Orel, st. Komsomolskaya 41, office 220. Or by phone: 8 (4862) 59-16-89 and email addresses:
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to receive education in the Russian Federation in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation. Foreign citizens have the right to receive higher education and additional professional education at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws or the quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the education of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation, as well as at the expense of individuals and legal entities in accordance with agreements on the provision of paid educational services.
Foreign citizens who are compatriots living abroad have the right to higher education on an equal footing with citizens of the Russian Federation, provided that they comply with the requirements stipulated in Article 17 of Federal Law No. 99-FZ of 24 May 1999 "On the State Policy of the Russian Federation with regard to Compatriots Abroad".
Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev was included in the Impact Rankings for the third time
The results of the international university ranking Impact Rankings 2024 have been summed up. The ranking assesses the impact of universities on the development of society and the achievement of the UN sustainable development goals.
When compiling the rating, 17 goals given in the resolution of the UN General Assembly were taken as a basis.
Impact Rankings 2024 included 1,963 universities, including 79 Russian universities. Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev is included in this ranking for the third time. This year, together with a number of other Russian universities, including those with national research status, such universities as Lobachevsky University (Nizhny Novgorod), First Medical University named after Pavlov (St. Petersburg), TUSUR (Tomsk), Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don).
In 2024, OSU named after I. S. Turgenev was assessed according to four sustainable development goals:
3rd: Good health and well-being - assessed how the university contributes to the preservation of the health of students and its contribution to the health of citizens of the region (601-8000 place);
4th: Quality education - the quality of educational services and the university’s contribution to the education of the region are assessed (1001-1500 place);
8th: Decent work and economic growth - compliance with labor legislation is assessed, ensuring the interests of workers at the university (401-600 place);
17th: Partnership for the sake of sustainable development goals - the interaction of the university with authorities of all levels and non-governmental organizations for the implementation of sustainable development goals is assessed (1501 place);
OSU named after I.S. Turgenev has been actively participating in various events and programs aimed at achieving these goals for a number of years. The University has created a management system aimed at protecting the interests of employees and stimulating effective work, measures for social support of students and care for their health are being actively implemented, and much attention is paid to measures to protect the environment.
Round table “French argotology in Russia”
On June 5, the Department of Romance Philology of the Institute of Foreign Languages organized a round table “French argotology in Russia”, dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the International Research Laboratory “Problems of Social and Territorial Heterogeneity”.
The event united sociolinguists of different generations: teachers, postgraduates, dissertation researchers who are preparing to defend their theses, and students making their first steps on the path of studying youth and professional argot at the Boiling Point venue of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev.
The speakers brilliantly presented the results of their scientific research and interested the audience with dictionaries of substandard units that clearly mark the speech of French people of different social strata: policemen, farmers, couturiers, artists, perfumers and others. The jury had difficulties in choosing the best presentations, as the scientific component of all the presentations was more than worthy. However, having consulted, the teachers awarded prizes - ‘Dictionary of Argo of French Students’ by Tatiana Retinskaya - to Maria Zarubina, a student of group 13LNG, for a complex analysis of the stylistically reduced vocabulary of the novel Kiffe kiffe demain by Faiza Gene, and to Evgenia Molchanova, a student of group 13PGOi, for her report on the argot of French bakers and confectioners, accompanied by an interactive quiz, which allowed to familiarise the audience with the elements of this professional argot in a playful way.
The students who took part in the anniversary meeting of the laboratory mastered the methodology of systematic description of French argotisms, which can be applied both to the characterisation of a separate sublanguage and to the comparative analysis of several social variants of the national language; they learned to inventory linguistic material and analyse argotic units in the fabric of a work of fiction. Special attention was paid to the characterisation of the convergent approach to the choice of research directions, which contributes to the identification of universal and specific features of the functioning of elements of argotic vocabularies.
This meeting of the scientific community was also an excellent occasion to sum up the work of the International Research Laboratory “Problems of Social and Territorial Heterogeneity”.
OSU named after I. S. Turgenev became a member of the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities
The Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities (ASRMU) was created in 2014 on the initiative of Sechenov University (co-founder on the Russian side) and Harbin Medical University (co-founder on the Chinese side). Currently, ASRMU unites about 100 leading universities in the Russian Federation and China.
The focus of the Association, in accordance with the Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, is expanding interaction on scientific research, encouraging direct contacts and cooperation between specialized medical organizations of both countries.
The Association initiates and coordinates joint activities to develop a system of higher professional and additional professional education in the field of medicine and pharmacy, improve the quality of educational programs and scientific research, academic mobility among universities - members of the Association, etc.
Cooperation between medical universities of the Russian Federation and China makes it possible to form and develop scientific and educational collaborations that contribute to the introduction of advanced achievements in the field of medicine and pharmacy in both countries.
The Faculty of Training for Foreign Students held the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture
“And there were words of wondrous beginning...”
A project with the same name, dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, was implemented at the Faculty of Training for Foreign Students by teachers of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Communication Larisa Aleshina and Tatyana Shadrina, as well as students of groups 8 and 9 of the Preparatory Department.
The first event “History of the Russian alphabet” (round table) took place on May 18. The students learned the history of the holiday, became acquainted with the life, scientific and educational feats of the brothers Cyril and Methodius.
On May 21, a master class “Learning to write in Cyrillic” was held. Listeners continued their acquaintance with the history of the development of writing and the stages of its formation (subject, pictographic, hieroglyphic, syllabic, alphabetical). We compared the first Slavic alphabets with the modern Russian alphabet and learned to write using the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet. A drawing competition was held in two categories: “Disappeared letters of the Russian alphabet”; “The most beautiful letters in ancient books”, and the winners have been announced.
The final event of the project took place on May 25. The students enjoyed the atmosphere of linguistic games and competitions: they solved puzzles, charades, riddles, crosswords, played word lotto, etc.
New publication in the journal Q1 from the research and development Center of Biomedical Photonics and foreign colleagues
The team of the Cellular Physiology and Pathology Laboratory of the Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev (A.Yu. Vinokurov, M.Yu. Pogonyalova, A.Yu. Abramov) together with colleagues from University College London (Plamena Angelova) and Miticholine Ltd company (Larisa Andreeva) published an article "Energy substrate supplementation increases ATP levels and is protective to PD neurons" in the journal Current Research in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery (Q1, IF 3.97).
The pathology of Parkinson's disease is very complex and involves many cellular and molecular factors, such as oxidative stress, calcium signaling, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Any change in the bioenergetics of mitochondria affects the function of brain cells, which opens up prospects for regulating the metabolism of astrocytes and neurons using physiologically active substances.
The published work showed that mitochondrial substrates: pyruvate, succinate, choline, choline succinate and nicotinamide, as well as combinations of these compounds, increase mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial NADH accumulation and ATP levels. In this case, the combination of succinate salt, choline and nicotinamide turned out to be the most effective. The compounds that were most effective at increasing ATP levels also further protected familial Parkinson's disease cells from glutamate excitotoxicity.
We congratulate the authors on their publication and wish them further success in their research!
OSU named after I. S. Turgenev at the 8th International Arctic Summit “The Arctic: prospects, innovations and regional development”
On May 23-24, the 8th International Arctic Summit “The Arctic: Prospects, Innovation and Regional Development” (Arctic Summit-2024) was held in St. Petersburg on the basis of the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
The summit is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences; a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Arctic Academy of Sciences was also held as part of the event.
The summit was organized by the Arctic Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly together with the Arctic Academy of Sciences, the Energy and Civil Society Association, the Institute of Arctic Oil and Gas Technologies of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin, in partnership with the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) and the Russian State Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic, with the support of the St. Petersburg Committee for Arctic Affairs, etc.
The event was attended by dozens of representatives of federal and regional structures, leading Russian and foreign oil and gas and energy companies, transport, financial, scientific, service organizations and the media.
During the summit, experts discussed priority tasks and implementation of state programs and national projects, problems of rational use of natural resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as issues of environmental protection and safety, the current state and prospects for international cooperation in the Far North. Particular attention was paid to the development and implementation of innovative and unmanned technologies.
Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev was represented by Vice-Rector for Research, Design and Innovation Activities Larisa Borisoglebskaya and Head of the Department of Mechatronics, Mechanics and Robotics Roman Polyakov.
At the plenary session dedicated to the implementation of the new state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic until 2035, the report “The concept of creating predictive analytics systems for the operation of technical equipment to ensure sustainable development of the Arctic” was presented.
The report examined the main results of the scientific activities of the Research Center for Intelligent Technologies for Diagnostics and Monitoring of Energy Generating Equipment in the context of sustainable development of the Arctic and the Far North.
Power plants in the Arctic regions are potential targets for the introduction of methods for predictive performance analysis and assessment of the residual life of critical components of technical equipment based on actual operating conditions.
The summit participants highly appreciated the potential of OSU scientists, ways of further interaction with the Center for Arctic Research, the Arctic Academy of Sciences and other organizations that drive the development of the Arctic and Far North regions are proposed.
Currently, the State Program of the Russian Federation “Socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation” is in effect. The program includes two federal projects: “Development of international economic cooperation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation” and “State support for the implementation of investment projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.” The measures of the comprehensive state program are focused on increasing the level of investment attractiveness of the macroregion and, as a result, attracting extra-budgetary investments, increasing the number of residents, creating new jobs, as well as developing human capital in the Arctic zone.
Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev has scientific and technical potential and can take an active part in the implementation of the Federal project “State support for the implementation of investment projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation” and the activities of the Arctic Public Academy of Sciences.
The main activity of the Arctic Public Academy of Sciences is the scientific substantiation of the content of the Arctic Doctrine of Russia, as the main document proclaiming the geopolitical interests of Russia in the Arctic and organizing activities for their implementation. The Academy regularly organizes, participates in the organization and conducts domestic and international conferences, seminars, round tables in various scientific and practical areas, and also takes an active part in similar events held by other scientific organizations.
Rector of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev Alexander Fedotov received a personal invitation to become a full member of the St. Petersburg Arctic Public Academy of Sciences. Also, university scientists who implement scientific and innovative projects on the problems of Arctic development can become members of the Academy.
As part of the ARCTIC SUMMIT-2024, University representatives Larisa Borisoglebskaya and Roman Polyakov were recommended for inclusion in full members of the St. Petersburg Arctic Public Academy of Sciences.
Students of osu Medical Institute took second place in the interregional surgical Olympiad
From May 13 to 14, at the Medical Institute of Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky hosted the III Interregional Student Surgical Olympiad, in which teams from Kaluga, Obninsk and Orel took part.
To the team of the Medical Institute of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev included students of the Faculty of Medicine Valery Pervushin (5th year) and Matvey Vishnevsky (3rd year), as well as student of the Faculty of Pediatrics, Dentistry and Pharmacy Anton Kachanov (4th year).
The Olympiad participants competed in theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of surgery. Eight operations were performed in such areas as endovideosurgery, abdominal surgery, thoracic surgery and urology.
The judging committee included: Galina Smirnova, Director of the Medical Institute of K.E. Tsiolkovsky KSU, Alan Tskaev, Chief Physician of the Kaluga BSMP, Andrey Kazakevich, Head of the Endosurgery Center of the Kaluga BSMP, as well as surgical residents of the Kaluga BSMP.
According to the results of two days of the Olympiad, the team of OSU Medical Institute took the second place in the team competition.
In addition, the participants of the Surgical Olympiad from Orel and Obninsk visited the Endosurgery Center of the Kaluga BSMP. The students toured the improved department and familiarized themselves with the work of the operating unit. Also, Andrey Kazakevich, Head of the Endosurgical Center, performed a demonstration laparoscopic intervention for the students in the OR1 integrated surgical complex.
The X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Technologies and Innovations in Transport” has started
On May 16, more than a hundred scientists and transport experts gathered at the Polytechnic Institute named after N.N. Polikarpov of the OSU named after I.S. Turgenev.
The Conference “Information Technologies and Innovations in Transport” is being held by the University for the tenth time and has a high status as a scientific and practical platform that synthesizes projects to improve the country’s transport sector. This year the event brought together representatives from many regions of Russia, as well as guests from Belarus and the People's Republic of China.
“We managed to create conditions for constructive dialogue, exchange of opinions and experience between scientists and professionals working in the real sector of the economy. I thank the Director of the Institute, Alexander Nikolaevich Novikov, for the fact that he manages to gather experts and guests of such a high level on one platform and shows an excellent example of professional activity for undergraduate and graduate students. I wish everyone the establishment of high-quality professional contacts and success!” noted Galina Zomiteva, Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Activities and Acting Rector of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev.
During the Opening Plenary Session, welcoming speeches were made by: Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergei Eremin, who during the speech read out a welcoming address from the co-organizer of the Anniversary Conference, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Kara-ool Sholban Valerievich, as well as the Deputy Governor of Orel region on social policy Oleg Revyakin, who highly appreciated the years of development of the Conference and presented a welcoming address from the Governor of Orel region Andrei Klychkov.
Professor, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Transport Yuri Trofimenko and Professor, President of MAADO Valentin Silyanov also gave words of encouragement to the participants and a positive assessment of the Conference. Words of gratitude to the Director of the Polytechnic Institute named after N.N. Polikarpov Alexander Novikov for many years of high-quality organization of the Conference were expressed by Galina Zomiteva, Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Activities of OSU, and Vyacheslav Golenkov, Head of the Scientific School of Orel State University.
During three days, the Conference will bring together current employees of transportation companies, government representatives, graduate students, students and professors of universities, as well as guests from near and far abroad, who will share their practical experience of transport network development.
Seven scientific sections will discuss the issues of intelligent transportation systems and technologies of transportation processes, digital information technologies of transportation systems management, innovative technologies to improve the efficiency of multimodal transport and innovative technologies in road transport, as well as the problems of road safety and operation of road transport.
Following the results of the Conference it is planned to form a resolution to the State Duma Committee on Transport and Transport Infrastructure Development.
Orel State University team won a laureate diploma at the international festival “GxP-Fest 2024”
On April 19, the Final of the Competitive Pprogram of the GxP-Fest 2024 festival took place in Moscow, as well as business events with the participation of regulators and top managers of Russian pharmaceutical companies and industry associations.
Every year the scale of the event and the attention to it from the pharmaceutical industry is growing. “GxP-Fest 2024” was held from February 1 to April 19, 2024 with the support of 18 industry partners: FSI «State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices» (FSI «SID & GP») of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, “Natsimbio”, “R-Pharm”, “Skopinpharm”, “Sotex”, “RaPharma” , “SanPharma”, “Geropharm”, “Akrikhin”, “Pharmstandard”, “Pharmasintez”, “Ozon”, “Novamedica”, “MakizPharma”, “Ellis”, ISPE, SPFO, AIPM.
From OSU named after I.S. Turgenev, the final events were attended by students of the Medical Institute of the specialty “Pharmacy” Sofia Pazen, Valery Tsyganov, Daria Dyubenkova, Ivan Lebedev and the Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy Alexander Valerievich Lebedev.
The program of the final day of the Fest began with informal communication between students and representatives of more than a dozen pharmaceutical companies at a pharmaceutical breakfast. Then, at the Opening Ceremony, representatives of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Eurasian Economic Commission, leading industry associations and specialized universities addressed the participants with parting words. After the official part, the grand finale of GxP-Fest 2024 took place.
About 500 people gathered at the in-person site in Moscow, including more than 300 of the best students – finalists of the festival’s competitive program, teachers from specialized universities in Russia and the EAEU countries, representatives of Russian and foreign regulators, pharmaceutical companies, as well as experts in the field of professional education. Several thousand more viewers watched the online broadcast on four information resources.
In total, 162 teams from 98 universities in eight countries took part in the competition program of the Festival this year: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Morocco and Egypt - a total of 930 students. Based on the results of the qualifying round in the GxP direction, which took place online in the form of a “GxP Battle”, 60 out of 130 teams received an invitation to the Finals, where they were awaited by the “GxP Quest” - an industry Olympiad to identify professional competencies. Based on the results of competitive events, the OSU team won the Laureate Diploma.
Also at the Festival site, leading industry experts conducted more than 10 master classes for students on a variety of topics from career development to drug production technology and quality systems, and also introduced them to internship programs and employment opportunities. More than 100 vacancies and internships were offered to students. At the same time, at the request of pharmaceutical companies, the Academy handed over more than 300 portfolios of promising candidates.
For university teachers, the Executive Director of the Eurasian Academy of Good Practices, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Irina Spichak and the Academy’s Deputy Director for Educational Activities Lyubov Zasova conducted a master class “Training personnel for the pharmaceutical industry: challenges facing universities.” They introduced students to modern VR technologies and showed the capabilities of the Virtual Factory for Universities simulation complex.
Students, respected experts, heads of pharmaceutical companies agreed that GxP-Fest is a unique event for the industry and the only platform that brings together students from pharmaceutical, chemical, biotechnological, engineering, and technology faculties, which allows for a conversation about the training of diverse specialists for pharmaceuticals .
The project of the research and development Center of Biomedical Photonics of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev is the winner of the tenth competition of the megagrant program!
The Grants Council of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation summed up the results of the tenth competition of the megagrant program. These included the project of the Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev named “The mechanism of neurodegeneration: an ancient molecule as a necessary element of the physiology and pathology of brain cells.”
Let us recall that the megagrant program is aimed at attracting leading scientists to Russian educational institutions of higher professional education, scientific institutions of state academies of sciences and state scientific centers of Russia and to create world-class laboratories under their leadership.
As a result of consideration of 89 applications, 8 winners were determined, including the project of the Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev under the guidance of a leading scientist, professor at the Institute of Neurology at University College London (UK), Doctor of Biological Sciences Andrey Abramov.
The project “The mechanism of neurodegeneration: an ancient molecule as a necessary element of the physiology and pathology of brain cells” is aimed at studying the pathogenesis and mechanism of neuronal death in major neurodegenerative diseases, the role of inorganic polyphosphate in neuronal and astrocytic signaling, identifying the involvement of polyphosphate in the molecular and cellular mechanisms of pathology in neurodegenerative diseases , as well as research into its modulation potential and applications in pharmaceuticals and bioengineering.
Research will be conducted using cell biology and biomedical photonics techniques to obtain data on intracellular polyphosphate and identify its neuroprotective potential.
Note that this project is a continuation of the previous research that the center’s team conducted as part of the mega-grant “Mitochondria as targets in the mechanism of neurodegenerative diseases” won in 2019. Now scientists at OSU named after I. S. Turgenev are faced with new, ambitious tasks.
The winners of the megagrant program in 2024 also included Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise, Sechenov University, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Thermophysics named after. S.S. Kutateladze of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov visited OSU named after I.S. Turgenev
On May 12, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov became a guest of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev.
As part of a two-day visit to Orel region, he visited significant places in his biography, which included OSU named after I. S. Turgeneva. Let us remember that Gennady Andreevich graduated from the university in 1969 and became one of its most successful graduates. In 2016, he was awarded the title of Honorary Member of the Academic Council and Honorary Doctor of OSU named after I.S.Turgenev.
During the visit, Gennady Zyuganov walked through the classrooms of the main building and met with his fellow students: Professor of the Department of Algebra and Mathematical Methods in Economics Vladimir Selyutin, with whom they studied together at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Alexander Rozhkov, who was treasurer in the trade union committee of students chaired by Gennady Andreevich and Professor of the Department of Russian History Gennady Verkeenko, with whom the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation played volleyball during his student years.
The guest also visited the office of Rector Alexander Fedotov and the University library. There, graduate students and teachers were waiting for him, to whom he told about the advantages of Orel region, his educational process and memories of student life.
“Here I sat studying, lived with relatives on 4th Kurskaya street, walked 45 minutes to the Institute 4 kilometers, played volleyball nearby,” the politician shared his memories.
The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation also praised Governor Andrei Klychkov for the successful implementation of educational programs in the region and the improvement of the entire region. He expressed confidence in the future development of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev and encouraged students to strive for knowledge and achievements.
At the end of the meeting, Gennady Andreevich presented small souvenirs to the rector of OSU named after. I.S. Turgenev.
The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation pays special attention to the development of education and the education of worthy youth. Many years after graduating from the University, Gennady Andreevich continues to remember how much effort and work his teachers put into him, and is always ready to support his native University.
Scientists from OSU named after I. S. Turgenev visited the Center of Advanced Technologies under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Employees of the Research and Development Center Biomedical Photonics at OSU named after I.S. Turgenev visited the Center for Advanced Technologies under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and made presentations at a joint seminar.
Leading researcher of R&D Center Andrei Dunaev made a report “Application of photonics methods in solving medical and biological problems,” which reflected all the current areas of activity of R&D Center in Orel; and senior researcher Andrei Vinokurov presented a report on the topic “Features of bioenergetics and redox balance of brain parts determine the specificity of their damage in pathologies,” which reflected some of the results of research in the field of physiology and pathology of various parts of the brain.
In addition, representatives of the Research and Development Center Biomedical Photonics spoke about the results of the “megagrant” under the guidance of the leading scientist Professor Andrei Abramov at OSU named after I.S. Turgenev.
As part of the visit, guests from Orel were given a tour of the laboratories of cell technology, experimental biophysics, biotechnology, physicochemical research methods and food science. Based on the results of the seminar, directions for joint scientific research were outlined.
Traditional meeting of the French Language Club
On April 22, the traditional meeting of the French Language Club of the Institute of Foreign Languages took place. The last bell rang for students of groups 93PGOi and 03LNG.
Despite the fact that the event is annual, its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is on this day that the children, together with their teachers, remember the years of study of graduates within the walls of their native Institute of Foreign Languages. Teachers and students studying French as a first and second foreign language spoke with congratulations and parting words to future teachers and translators. The heroes of the occasion did not stand aside and prepared original performances, expressing words of gratitude to their mentors.
“For the first time, we ourselves acted as organizers of the Club. It was a great honor, but also a great responsibility. Farewell to the Institute was very exciting and at the same time merry, funny, touching... In general, unforgettable! Thank you for everything to your beloved department!” noted Tatyana Zakharova, a student of group 03LNG.
“Thank you very much to the Department of Romance Philology for the opportunity to organize the Club. The event was a great success! It was nice to see how teachers and students enjoyed this holiday,” shared Anastasia Babich, a student of group 03LNG.
The teachers of the Institute of Foreign Languages congratulate the graduates and wish them to successfully overcome all remaining tests and receive their cherished diplomas.
Medical Institute of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev celebrated its 25th anniversary!
Vth Medical Forum with International Participation “Turgenev Meetings”
On April 24 at TMK “Grinn” Vth Medical Forum with international participation “Topical issues of improving medical care. Turgenev meetings” started its work. This year the event is timed to a significant date for the whole Orel health care - the 25th anniversary of the creation of OSU Medical Institute.
Back in 1998, on the initiative of the head of the administration of Orel region, Yegor Stroev, a decision was made to open a Medical Institute in Orel on the basis of Orel State University. In the same year, the first 33 students crossed the threshold of the new educational institution, enrolled in the then only specialty “General Medicine”. Today, twenty-five years later, the Medical Institute is the largest division of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev, in which over 3.5 thousand students, graduate students and residents from various regions of Russia and 50 countries of the near and far abroad study, and educational activities are carried out according to 28 areas of training and specialties.
The celebration of the anniversary of the Medical Institute took place as part of the grand opening of the Forum. Representatives of the Government of Orel region, heads of regional healthcare institutions, many of whom are graduates of the Medical Institute, the leadership of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev, students and teachers, as well as scientists and medical specialists from different regions of the country expressed their wishes and gratitude.
The event was opened by Director of the Medical Institute, Irina Snimshchikova:
“I want to say a word of gratitude to everyone involved in the past, present and future of the Medical Institute. Over the past 25 years, the Medical Institute has become an integral part of the medical community, contributing to the development of healthcare and the training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel. Over 5,000 graduates today successfully and conscientiously fulfill their professional duties in various regions of the country and abroad. How nice it is to see the faces of our graduates in this hall today! We are proud of you! We are proud of our students who demonstrate achievements in educational, scientific, volunteer, and sports activities. We are proud of our teachers who create the conditions that allow our students to achieve these results.
Today we are faced with the task of preserving and enhancing the best, moving to a qualitatively new level of training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel, which will contribute to increasing the life expectancy of the population, improving the quality and availability of medical care, and the scientific and technological development of the country.
I would like to wish the entire staff of the Medical Institute, everyone present, health, vigor, optimism, new creative successes and achievements for the benefit of domestic healthcare and Russian science. I am confident that, despite the complexity and scale of the tasks at hand, we are capable of solving them, taking into account the professionalism of the educational medical community, the support of the governor, the government of Orel region and the desire to work with full dedication for the benefit of our native Orel region."
Alexander Fedotov, rector of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev, expressed his congratulations to the staff of the Medical Institute:
“Now the Medical Institute is actively developing. It is the largest educational structural subdivision of the University. I am proud that we have such wonderful teachers and such great students who represent a huge number of countries. Not many people know, but last year our admission committee received more than a thousand applications for admission to the Medical Institute from India alone.
I am very grateful to the current specialists, chief physicians, who are very keen to accept our students for internship. We have done a lot during this time, but we still have room to grow.
And I heartily and sincerely congratulate the whole staff of the Medical Institute on the anniversary and guarantee that we will continue to develop the Institute, as healthcare is a topical issue not only for our region, but also for the whole of Russia”.
Olga Pilipenko, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, in her welcoming speech addressed the students of the Medical Institute and noted that on their shoulders lies the responsibility for the future of the country:
“Today our country, and the world as a whole, needs highly qualified personnel. Life is changing rapidly, new technologies are appearing, which yesterday we could not think and talk about. Today science, education and technology are at the crossroads and are very tightly integrated. This is your happy time, when you are in the period of formation of a new approach to education and in general to the profession, for you should become an incentive to learn better, to possess new knowledge, to strive to make the world and people's lives more beautiful and qualitative. In fact, the well-being, duration and quality of life of our people depend on you, first of all”.
Oleg Revyakin, Deputy Governor of Orel Region in the Government of Orel Region for Social Policy, Mikhail Vdovin, Deputy Chairman of Orel Regional Council of People's Deputies, Head of the Coordination Center “Maternity Protection of the Orel Diocese”, Archpriest Andrey, Father Superior of the Trinity Church of Orel, and Igor Pechersky, Deputy Mayor of Orel, also addressed their wishes to the Medical Institute.
The guests of honor also presented well-deserved awards to the staff and teachers of the Medical Institute. Thus, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation awarded the title “Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation” to Lyudmila Bublikova, Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics, Dentistry and Pharmacy, Head of the Department of Public Health, Public Health and Hygiene, for her diligent work in the field of higher education.
Irina Snimshchikova, Director of the Medical Institute and Tamara Vasina, Head of the Department of Pediatrics were awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Governor of Orel Region for many years of scientific and pedagogical activity, great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists.
For many years of scientific and pedagogical activity, great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, the Gratitude of the Governor of Orel region was announced to:
- Olga Minakova, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology,
- Tamara Goretskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of General, Biological, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy,
- Elena Melnikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Immunology and Specialized Clinical Disciplines.
For many years of conscientious work and great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, the following were awarded the Certificate of Orel Regional Council of People's Deputies:
- Lyudmila Bublikova, Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics, Dentistry and Pharmacy, Head of the Department of Public Health, Healthcare and Hygiene,
- Maksud Khalilov, Head of the Department of Anatomy, Operative Surgery and Disaster Medicine,
- Lyudmila Kachmarskaya, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Associate Professor of the Department of General Pathology and Physiology.
For achieving high performance and success in work, a great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, the Gratitude of Orel Regional Council of People's Deputies was declared:
- Galina Chernikova, teaching master of the 1st category of the dean’s office of the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology,
- Galina Savonchik, Associate Professor of the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology,
- Zhanna Pakhomova, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health, Healthcare and Hygiene,
- Paytsar Danielyan, responsible for working with foreign students at the Medical Institute.
For high professionalism, conscientious work, dedication to one’s work and great personal contribution to the development of domestic healthcare, the Gratitude of the Health Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation was declared to:
- Alexander Alyanov, Head of the Department of General Surgery and Anesthesiology,
- Natalya Gracheva, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy,
- Valery Vishnevsky, head of the department of internal diseases,
- Alexey Abolmasov, Associate Professor of the Department of General Surgery and Anesthesiology.
For the successes achieved, many years of conscientious work in training healthcare specialists and in connection with the 25th anniversary of the Medical Institute, a Letter of Gratitude from the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Olga Pilipenko was presented to:
- Tatyana Kuznetsova, Professor of the Department of Surgical Disciplines of Children and Innovative Technologies in Pediatrics,
- Valentina Polyakova, Associate Professor of the Department of Dentistry,
- Diana Aivazova, Associate Professor of the Department of General Pathology and Physiology,
- Nadezhda Belyakova, Associate Professor of the Department of Immunology and Specialized Clinical Disciplines,
- Maria Plotnikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Immunology and Specialized Clinical Disciplines.
The Saint Kuksha Medal was awarded to Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine Svetlana Arkhipina and Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Lyudmila Tarasova. The bishop's diploma of Metropolitan of Orel and Bolkhov, Vladyka Tikhon, was presented to Larisa Lyakhova, a category I specialist in medical management of the Department of Anatomy, Operative Surgery and Disaster Medicine, and Larisa Strelnikova, a specialist in medical management of the first category of the Department of Internal Medicine.
For the achieved labor successes, many years of conscientious work in training specialists in the healthcare sector and in connection with the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Medical Institute, the following were awarded the Certificate of Administration of the city of Orel:
- Elena Yushkova, Head of the Department of General, Biological, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy,
- Natalya Lebedeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy,
- Denis Kukushkin, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine.
A special highlight of the ceremony were the performances of students of the Medical Institute, who showed that they are talented not only in their studies, but also in their creativity. The guys performed the vocal and choreographic composition “Blue Handkerchief” and the real anthem of doctors - “Men in White Coats”.
Foreign students presented their folk dances to the forum guests, once again demonstrating the beauty, diversity and cohesion of the students of the Medical Institute.
After the opening, the Forum participants and guests went to their classrooms to continue their work. The plenary meeting was attended by acting Head of the Department of Health of Orel Region, Deputy Head of the Department of Health of Orel Region - Head of the Health Division Vladimir Nikolaev, Director of the Medical Institute Irina Snimshchikova, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Technological Activities and Certification of Scientific Personnel of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev Sergey Radchenko, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Design - Innovative activities Larisa Borisoglebskaya, Chairman of the NP “Medical Chamber of Orel Region”, Head of the Department of Surgical Disciplines of Children and Innovative Technologies in Pediatrics of the Medical Institute Vladimir Krugly, as well as scientists from Uzbekistan and Peru.
Thus, Larisa Borisoglebskaya in her report spoke about the scientific and innovative development of the Medical Institute, which successfully combines science, education and practice in its activities. In particular, they discussed the creation of a laboratory for molecular, translational and digital cardioimmunology. We will tell you more about this project very soon.
The Forum will continue on April 25 in the following sections:
- Current issues in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of internal organs and allergology-immunology,
- Modern aspects of pediatrics, neonatology, pediatric surgery and oncology,
- Current issues in clinical laboratory diagnostics and medical microbiology,
- Modern aspects of obstetrics-gynecology and dermatovenerology,
- Public health, healthcare and pharmacy, training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel.
“Pilots of the future” have been identified in Orel region
On April 16, the regional stage of the All-Russian Drone Piloting Championship "Pilots of the Future" was held at Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev.
"Pilots of the Future" is a large-scale project of the Movement of the First organisation. It is aimed at developing in-demand drone control skills among young people, as well as gaining knowledge about the use and improvement of unmanned aircraft systems.
The regional stage of the Championship is held across the country from April 8 to 28. In Orel region, the co-organizers of the regional stage were Orel State University and the Federation of Drone Racing of Orel region.
As part of the opening ceremony of the regional stage, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Russian Movement of Children and Youth "Movement of the First" and the Russian Drone Racing Federation.
The competition was attended by 22 teams from 12 municipalities of the region. Each team consisted of 4 people: 2 pilots, 1 engineer-technician and 1 mentor. The regional stage of the Championship was held in two disciplines: drone racing simulator and testing. While the pilots of the teams were speeding through a specially designed course, the engineers and technicians were testing their knowledge of the UAV device.
Nail Sharifov, Acting Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Engineering at Orel State University and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Automated Control Systems and Cybernetics, acted as the main judge of the regional stage.
In addition to the competitions, schoolchildren also took part in a master class of the University students in the control of real drones in the flight cube and visited the scientific laboratories of the Scientific and Technical Center of Biomedical Photonics, the Center for Interdisciplinary Engineering and the Department of Automated Control Systems and Cybernetics.
One of the main events of the regional stage of the Championship was the round table "Development of small unmanned aviation in Orel region". The discussion was attended by Alexander Fedotov, Rector of Orel State University, Irina Patronova, Head of the Department of Education of Orel region, Anton Gomozov, Council Chairman of the Movement of the First regional branch in Orel Region, and his deputy Denis Orlov, Andrey Katunin, Director of the Mtsensk branch of Orel State University, Viktor Lantsev, Head of the children's Technopark "Quantorium", and other guests.
The round table participants shared their experience in the use of unmanned aircraft and the development of this particularly relevant area today, and also discussed support measures for the popularization of UAVs among young people in the context of the new national project “Unmanned Aircraft Systems”.
“The University has been working on the topic of unmanned aerial vehicles since 2019. It came naturally because it was interesting and modern. It is interesting for both our teachers and students. It so happens that we already have some success in this area. We periodically declare ourselves at the federal level, including taking first places in team competitions.
The University is investing a lot of effort in the development of unmanned aviation in the region, because we understand that this is very important now, including in order to interest our students and motivate them to stay in their native region,” noted Alexander Fedotov.
At the closing of the regional stage, all teams were awarded certificates of participation, and the names of the winners were announced.
“First of all, I want to thank everyone for taking the time and taking part in our Championship. Secondly, we are happy to demonstrate that within the walls of our University there are all conditions for practicing drones, and if you want to develop in this direction, then be sure to come to us. Today we saw a lot of sparkling eyes from guys who are really interested in this and who already have experience working with UAVs. I wish them not to give up this business and develop, because not only aircraft, but ground and watercraft are unmanned. If you want to connect your life with this sphere, we will help you to implement it,” noted Nail Sharifov
Based on the results of the regional stage, the prizes were distributed as follows:
1st place – team “Vinty”(Screws) (Orel),
2nd place – team "Nebesnaya Strela" (Heavenly Arrow) (Mtsensk),
3rd place – "Krutoye Pike" (Steep Pike) (Livny).
Already this summer, the first place team “Vinty”(Screws) (Orel) will go to Kazan to fight for victory in the final stage of the All-Russian Drone Piloting Championship "Pilots of the Future".
Participation in the VIII All-Russian Forum of Medical Volunteers
From April 4 to 7, the VIII All-Russian Forum of Medical Volunteers was held in Moscow. The event was attended by regional coordinators, coordinators of local branches and areas of activity of the All-Russian Volunteer Medical Organization, and responsible employees of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Tatyana Semenova made a speech at the opening of the Forum and read out the address of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the participants of the Forum.
Anastasia Zatsepurina, Chair of the movement, noted in her speech:
"We have done a tremendous amount of work, but our desire for development and growth does not allow us to stop at what we have achieved. I am sure that joint discussion of our strategic priorities and development directions will help to strengthen our movement and move it forward to new achievements".
The Forum program was divided into four blocks, which became a communication environment for the exchange of experience, knowledge and ideas between medical volunteers, representatives of authorities, medical organizations and public organizations from different regions of the country.
Valeria Sharapanovskaya, Regional Coordinator of Orel Regional Branch of the All-Union Volunteer Medical Organization, represented Orel Region at the Forum:
"It was a large-scale event that brought together a team of volunteers and healthcare professionals. For eight years we, the regional coordinators, have become truly one family. Mostly we have to communicate remotely, at webinars organized by the management, and we were waiting for this Forum to meet in real time, to exchange emotions. Forums are held annually and this year was no exception, despite the seemingly tense foreign policy situation".
Let us remind you that medical volunteers are: more than 133,000 volunteers from 89 regions of Russia, more than 6,500 partner organizations and 4 million people receiving assistance.
“A World Without Borders” YOUTH FORUM
On March 27-28, the Youth Forum "World without Borders" organized jointly with the Department of Youth Policy and Implementation of Patriotic Projects of Orel Region took place on the basis of Orel State University and Orel State Agrarian University.
On the first day more than 500 students from institutions of higher and secondary vocational education of Orel region took part in the interactive program, including the exhibition "National Crafts and Cultures", a round dance of Friendship, master classes on creating crocus flower and white cranes, as well as became spectators of the creative program of patriotic orientation "We are different, but we are together!".
The second day combined several exciting thematic quizzes and preventive activities. All participants were divided into three sections: a thematic quiz "Symbols of Russia", an intellectual game "Friendship of Nations" for foreign students and a preventive event "Debates".
The day ended with a meeting within the framework of the discussion platform "Open Dialogue" on the topic "Family Values" with representatives of two different religions. Archpriest Andrei Mikhalev, head of the Diocesan Coordination Center for Maternity Protection, and Kamil Magomedov, imam of the city of Orel, joined as invited guests. The meeting was moderated by Ekaterina Simonova - Candidate of Legal Sciences and Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process of Orel State University.
During the event, participants were able to understand in detail the issues of such a complex phenomenon as the institution of the family, as well as to ask questions of interest to the experts.
current results of the space experiment by scientists from OSU named after I. S. Turgenev are published on federal media resources
The LASMA space experiment has been conducted aboard the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS) since December 2021 (it will continue until 2025). Orel State University acts as one of the co-producers of this targeted work on board the ISS.
The experiment is devoted to the study of blood microcirculation and fluorescence of biotissues in microgravity conditions. The current results were published in the journal Aerospace and Environmental Medicine. The scientists' study was also published in TASS.
The paper presents for the first time the results of the study of blood microcirculation in weightlessness conditions, obtained using portable laser analyzers "LAZMA-PF" with the participation of pilot-cosmonaut, hero of Russia Alexander Misurkin and space tourists Yusaku Maezawa and Yozo Hirano during the expedition visit EP-20.
During the first 2-3 days in weightlessness, the astronaut experienced redistribution of blood to the upper part of the body, after which the mechanisms of blood flow regulation were activated, and on the 6th day of flight the blood microcirculation system returned to normal. In the second cosmonaut (space tourist), who used special leg bands, which do not allow the fluid to leave the lower part of the body, such an effect was not observed, and in the first few days of flight, the work of the endothelial layer of blood vessels was activated.
In general, in the process of reorganization of the blood microcirculation system under microgravity conditions, the most pronounced changes in the parameters occurred in the temporal region of the head and in the region of the lower extremities on the 2nd and 3rd days of flight and were characterized by a significant decrease in tissue perfusion, increased vascular tone with a gradual recovery of preflight values by the 6th day of space flight (SF).
Thus, for the first time a method of registration of blood microcirculation parameters and oxidative metabolism in weightlessness using portable analyzers was developed and successfully tested. Thus, our scientists managed to send on board the international space station the newest domestic devices "LAZMA PF" for recording the functional state of peripheral vessels and tissue metabolism, where with their help cosmonauts assess the adaptation of the organism to the conditions of space flight, conducting measurements on the skin of temples, hands and feet.
Currently, the experiment on board the ISS continues with participants of the 70th long-term expedition - Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub and Alexander Grebenkin.
Rector Alexander Fedotov held a meeting with representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Rector of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev Alexander Fedotov held a business meeting with representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan Embassy in the Russian Federation - First Secretary Fatkhulla Abdurakhmanov and Advisor Alisher Benyazov, as well as with the head of the Representative Office of the Agency for External Labor Migration of the Republic of Uzbekistan Oybek Odilov. In addition, the meeting was attended by the director of the Department of International Relations of the University, Svetlana Aronova, and the head of the department of international and interregional relations of the department for the development of small and medium-sized businesses of the Government of Orel region, Elena Yanchevskaya. The main topic of discussion was the prospects for cooperation in educational, scientific and other fields.
At the beginning of the meeting, Alexander Anatolyevich told the guests about the infrastructure of the University, the large number of areas of training and specialties that OSU named after I. S. Turgenev implements, scientific and international activities. The rector paid special attention to the future world-class interuniversity campus, where foreign students will be able to live and study comfortably.
“The University is actively developing in all areas: in the social sphere, educational work, sports and everything related to student life,” added Alexander Fedotov.
Svetlana Aronova noted that about 3.5 thousand foreign students study at OSU named after I. S. Turgenev. For many years, the University has opened its doors to young people from dozens of countries around the world. Among our graduates there are ambassadors, heads of universities, and heads of research teams in almost 46 countries.
Currently, 47 students from Uzbekistan are studying at the University. Most of the guys receive a medical education, another part studies at the Institute of Correspondence and Part-time Education. Some of them also attended the meeting and talked about how they study at OSU named after I.S. Turgenev.
During the conversation, it was also noted that the University is able to provide training for the personnel necessary for Uzbekistan: teachers, mechanical engineers, IT specialists, etc.
Alisher Benyazov noted how large OSU named after I. S. Turgenev turned out to be in terms of both infrastructure and number of students. The guests expressed interest in developing mutual cooperation with the largest university in Orel region.
Cultural exchange: foreign students of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev met with Orel city schoolchildren
Students of the Preparatory Department of OSU Faculty for Foreign Students Training under the guidance of teachers of Russian as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Communication Department Lyudmila Koreneva and Larisa Aleshina became guests of school No. 17 with in-depth study of the French language in the city of Orel.
Especially for foreign students of the University, schoolchildren conducted a virtual tour of Russian cities (from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad) in French. The guests were particularly interested in the story about the history and sights of Orel.
In turn, students from Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon and Cameroon, native speakers of French, spoke about themselves and their countries in Russian. The story was accompanied by photographs, videos and even exotic dances. The nature of Africa, picturesque places, architectural and cultural monuments, nature reserves, features of Congolese cuisine - all this aroused the genuine interest of schoolchildren.
The finale of the meeting was a free conversation between the participants, during which a variety of questions were raised, from musical preferences to problems in choosing a profession.
OSU named after I. S. Turgenev and the National University of Trujillo are developing scientific and technological cooperation
Scientists of Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev: Vice-Rector for Scientific and Project-Innovation Activities, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Larisa Borisoglebskaya and Director of the Medical Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Irina Snimshchikova at the invitation of the Rector of National University of Trujillo, Doctor Carlos Alberto Vazquez Boyer visited the Republic of Peru from February 3 to February 17, 2024.
As part of the stay program, a meeting was held at the cultural department of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Peru. Today, the Russian House in Peru acts as a platform that brings together representatives of universities from both countries in order to promote inter-university cooperation.
During the meeting at the Embassy on behalf of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev scientists congratulated Alexandra Egorova, Acting Director of the Russian House and Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo office, on her appointment.
During the conversation, the main areas of cooperation between the Russian House and Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev were identified in the framework of the development and implementation of scientific and innovative projects, holding international conferences, forums, exhibitions, interaction with universities in Peru in the field of scientific and educational activities.
Cooperation with the National University of Trujillo has an established history. In 2014, Larisa Borisoglebskaya was invited to the university to give lectures on economic and mathematical modeling of innovative development of economic systems in the context of globalization. And in 2017, OSU named after I. S. Turgenev and the National University of Trujillo signed a cooperation agreement, within the framework of which scientific interaction between universities is carried out.
The National University of Trujillo is one of the oldest and largest universities in Peru, which turns 200 this year. Scientists from Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, on behalf of the university rector Alexander Fedotov, congratulated the university management on the upcoming anniversary and presented a welcoming address and memorable gifts.
During the visit, a number of meetings were held: with the rector, Dr. Carlos Alberto Vázquez Boyer, the vice-rector for research, Dr. Guillermo Arturo García Pérez, the head of the Office of National and International Relations, Dr. Stephen Alexander Ilyich Zerpa, deans of faculties, directors of institutes, leading scientists. Larisa Borisoglebskaya and Irina Snimshchikova got acquainted with the university’s infrastructure and visited research centers and laboratories. This made it possible to determine joint strategic directions for the development of scientific, innovative and educational activities.
On February 13, the Conference “Prospects for scientific and technological cooperation between the National University of Trujillo and Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev" took place. One of the main organizers of the Conference was Dr. Jose Angel Roldan Lopez, coordinator of the Framework Agreement between universities.
Vice-Rector for Research Guillermo Arturo García Perez delivered a welcoming speech, emphasizing the importance of the high international level event.
The Conference examined the prospects for scientific and technological cooperation between universities in Russia and Peru in modern conditions. Larisa Borisoglebskaya spoke about new opportunities and challenges in one of her reports. In addition, she shared with her Peruvian colleagues her experience of modernizing the system of supporting promising scientific and innovative projects of universities in ensuring technological sovereignty using the example of the participation of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev in federal programs.
In her report, Irina Snimshchikova examined the problems and prospects of healthcare and medical education in the 21st century, presented the results of research and achievements of OSUnamed after I. S. Turgenev in the field of medicine, and shared her experience in training foreign students.
During the Conference, scientists from Russia answered questions related to the academic exchange of students and teachers, joint scientific research, and the possibilities of studying Russian language.
“For Russian science, national-level goals have been defined to increase the country’s scientific and technological potential, ensure technological sovereignty, and implement priority areas of scientific and technological development.
In continuation of cooperation in the field of science and innovation, we would like to jointly develop scientific areas in the field of physics and mathematics, medicine, mechatronics, mechanics and robotics, etc.
“Today, students from Peru can study Russian, undergo short-term language internships in Russia with the further prospect of entering specialty and residency programs, including with the active role of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in Peru,” summarized Larisa Borisoglebskaya.
Summing up the Conference, the head of the National and International Relations Office, Dr. Stephen Alexander Ilyich Zerpa noted that the National University of Trujillo is always ready to expand its international agreements to implement joint projects that contribute to the development of science and education.
February 8 is the Day of Russian Science!
Dear students, staff and teachers of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev!
February 8 is a significant day for everyone who contributes to the development of Russian science.
I sincerely congratulate our scientists on their professional holiday! Science is one of the most important areas of activity of our University, a necessary condition for increasing its competitiveness. And I can proudly say that OSU named after I.S. Turgenev today is the main driver of the development of science in Orel region, and the scientific research conducted at the University makes a great contribution to solving socially significant issues not only in the region, but also in Russia as a whole. And this is thanks to the daily painstaking work of our scientific team.
It is pleasant to note that both young scientists and their more experienced mentors are achieving success in a variety of fields of science, contributing to increasing intellectual potential and ensuring national security.
On this holiday, I sincerely wish you not to stop there, set new tasks for yourself and successfully solve them. Let your developments and discoveries become the heritage of national and world science! Good health, inspiration and new achievements!
Happy Russian Science Day!
Rector of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev A.A. Fedotov.
OSU Law Institute held an open door day for foreign applicants
On January 31, the Law Institute of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev held an open door day for international students who are currently studying Russian at the Preparatory Faculty. Now they are facing a very important question - what to choose among the wide range of specialties and profiles of study offered at our University.
Professor Sergey Vasyukov, Acting Director of the Law Institute, made a welcoming speech to the guests of the event. Albina Agaeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, curator of the profile "International Law and Comparative Law", told about the peculiarities of education of foreign citizens at the Law Institute.
And, of course, a memorable moment was the conversation with those students who not in words, but in fact know the many intricacies of the daily student life of the Law Institute, familiar with the conditions of study, teachers, successfully showed that neither another language nor another country will not be an obstacle for those who have made a very important decision for themselves - to become a real specialist. Telson Jeffson, Archebamen Sharon Ayomikun, Santa Victoria Sentyler, Limontas Erby Allen shared their impressions about studying at the Law Institute. The guys happily recalled joint trips, events and exam period.
"Law Institute has become one of the places very dear to my heart. I am very grateful to my parents that once they let me go to study in Russia and I found myself among such nice people. It is a pity that this is my last year in these walls. However, there will be a lot of pleasant memories", - told the audience the 4th year student Jeffson Tolson.
A tour of the criminology room, the first experiences in taking fingerprints, creating an identikit and other subtleties of the legal profession were presented to future lawyers by the head of the department of criminal procedure and prosecutorial supervision, Yulia Bystrova.
Then the acquaintance with the Law Institute continued in the courtroom and ended with a visit to the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, where they were welcomed by the Head of the Department Dmitry Aronov. The department is a graduating department in the direction of "International Law and Comparative Jurisprudence": for several years foreign students here have been successfully mastering the study of jurisprudence with a special emphasis on the study of public international law and those academic disciplines that will help future lawyers to become true specialists in the field of relations of our countries, which are now moving to the construction of a new world, free from political dictates.
The meeting ended in the spirit of Russian hospitality: the participants drank fragrant tea from a samovar with ring-shaped cracknel, sweets and pancakes.
Student associations of Orel State University
named after I. S. Turgenev
There are a large number of student associations at Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev. Thanks to their work, the lives of university students become brighter and more productive. In this material, OSU press center will briefly talk about each of them.
The Trade Union Committee of OSU students is the largest student organization of our University. More than 98% of all university students are with them. The main attention in the work of the student trade union committee is aimed at upholding, representing and protecting the rights and interests of students.
Tvoy Khod (Your Move) is an All-Russian student project from Rosmolodezh. The project is part of the presidential platform “Russia - a land of opportunities.” You choose your development trajectory and scope of participation.
The Ermolov search squad searches for dead and missing soldiers and officers of the Red Army on the battlefields, preserves and broadcasts historical memory, holds meetings and interactive exhibitions for young people.
The Youth Career Club is a student association that is actively involved in organizing career events at the University. This is a unique opportunity to walk the path to self-development and a successful future together with like-minded people.
The official KVN League of OSU - the union of talented Orel city teams and authors has brought many achievements to the University, from winning leagues in individual regions to participation in the Major KVN League and international championship.
Russian student brigades of Orel region are the largest youth organization in the country, which provides temporary employment for more than 240 thousand young people from 82 regions of the country. RSO is not only work. This is a lot of positive emotions, interesting events, the opportunity to learn a new profession, visit different parts of our country and gain a students brigade family.
TourLiga MABIV of OSU is a student sports and tourism club and is part of the structure of the Interregional Academy of Safety and Survival (MABIV). The OSU Tour Club organizes and conducts autonomous educational and health hikes, research and extreme expeditions.
The student club “Green Economy” is engaged in the formation of the environmental consciousness of young people by disseminating knowledge about the green economy, sustainable development goals and increasing the educational, expert and organizational role of the University in solving regional problems.
Intellectual Games Club - admission to the Club is open not only to students of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev, but also to postgraduate students, alumnus, students of other educational institutions, friends, relatives and acquaintances of the Club members.
Student rescue team “Rescuer”(Spasatel') - the team’s activities are carried out on the basis of an agreement between OSU named after I. S. Turgenev and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Orel region. SSO "Spasatel" teaches first aid, trains how to act in emergencies, ensures safety at public events, conducts preventive measures for public safety, and teaches other useful skills as part of volunteering in emergencies.
Association of Student Dormitory Councils. In order to make life in the dormitories as interesting and comfortable as possible, student councils operate on each campus. They organize events, control living conditions, and also closely interact with the administration of the students dormitories.
OSU Student Sports Club | SSK "Orel57". The main activity of the club is organizing and holding sports events for students. He is also part of the large family of the Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia. Conducts and organizes various sports, entertainment and educational events for students.
Student Scientific Society of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev is a mass public organization that, on a voluntary basis, unites students who have shown a penchant for independent creative research activities, as well as postgraduate students and teachers.
Student club “I am a manager!” As part of the club, students discover their leadership abilities to comprehensively shape themselves as future leaders, and also engage in the development of personal and professional growth goals under the strict guidance of club mentors.
The anti-drug club “Healthy Generation” is engaged in comprehensive prevention and promotion of schoolchildren and students to a healthy lifestyle, education of the legal aspects of various offenses, dissemination of knowledge about the dangers of drug addiction, substance abuse and alcoholism for life and health.
RAVAGE • Student eSports Club is a topical association of our University students interested in computer sports. Organizes large-scale eSports events. During their training, the guys gained experience in organizing a huge number of competitions and are now ready to use it to make the lives of our students better.
The OSU Sports Club is working to develop mass student sports and popularize a healthy lifestyle. On the basis of the Sports Club at the University, university sports teams have been created in the following team sports: football, mini-football, basketball, volleyball. SC also works with individual athletes.
The IPiP(Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology) Student Club is a team-minded group of students that brings bright colors to the student life of our students. The main goal of the Сlub is to hold a large number of different events in which students of all courses and directions take part.
“Youth Consultant” is a student society that helps young ambitious students realize themselves in various spheres of society. “Youth Consultant” was also created to inform students about social programs and projects operating in the territory not only of Orуl region, but throughout Russia as a whole.
The OSU Student Media Service has been operating since 2017. The work includes various areas where everyone can find application and fulfillment: photography; video; design; copywriting; SMM.
The media service team is trying to make student life brighter and more interesting by creating useful content and covering the activities of the Trade Union Committee of OSU students.
The team is trained at a three-day activist school and at off-site events.
The Student Center for Talented Youth is an association within the University’s Center for Culture and Aesthetic Education. Its goal is to organize and conduct extracurricular work on the aesthetic education of students, as well as to promote the formation of creative activity of the teaching staff, employees and students of the University. It includes the Yuventa folk theater and the Kalambur theater studio, vocal and dance groups of the University, and the art photography studio Vzglyad.
The student association “Public Order Keeping Group” was created to protect public order at the University, at events, as well as to prevent crime among students.
The student club “Young Entrepreneurs” was created on the basis of the Institute of Economics and Management. His tasks include: creating a positive image of an entrepreneur among young people; development of students' leadership skills, ability to work in an independently created team, practical business communication skills; development of entrepreneurial thinking among participants, etc.
The student association “Architectural and Urban Heritage” is engaged in the preservation and transformation of religious and civil buildings and complexes. The guys conduct an analysis of objects, including a historical review, landscape-visual and compositional analysis. And on the basis of these data, proposals are put forward for the reconstruction of buildings and structures, the possible installation of small architectural forms and the general concept of improvement of the near-by territories of the objects in question in order to recreate and continue life processes, revitalize objects of the historical architectural environment.
The student club “Ecology and Safety” helps improve the quality of training of qualified personnel, preserve scientific potential and create conditions for the development of scientific creativity of students, their integration into the scientific and educational space. This student association is interested in carrying out scientific research in the field of environmental and technospheric safety, therefore its main activity is theoretical and experimental research related to monitoring the environmental and industrial environment. The guys are also developing simple solutions for security systems for the human environment.
Rector of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev Alexander Fedotov congratulates on the Day of Russian Students!
Dear students of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev!
On behalf of the University staff and myself, I congratulate you on Russian Students Day!
Right now you are experiencing one of the best periods of your life. And I wish you to spend it in such a way that later you can remember these years with a smile and pleasant emotions.
It is during your student years that you begin to build your future, choose your main priorities and develop personally and professionally. You manage to combine your studies with creativity, hobbies, and social activities—you have enough energy for everything.
May your activity, energy, and optimism continue for many, many years to come.
I sincerely wish you always believe in yourself, do not give up before difficulties and do everything possible for your happiness and well-being.
Don’t be afraid to try yourself in different areas, gain new experience and knowledge. You are the ones who are our future.
Create, dream and love! Happy holiday!
Days of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev at the International RUSSIA EXPO
On January 24-25, Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev presents its exposition in the pavilion of Orel region at the International RUSSIA EXPO as part of the “Decade of Education and Science”. University teachers and students prepared many interesting and educational activities for visitors of the exhibition.
Anyone can test their knowledge in the field of financial literacy using a quest in the “YourFinGuide” mobile application, developed as part of the strategic project “Orel is a Literary Capital”.
“Our application does not collect any personal data and at the same time makes it possible to complete quests and quizzes in an interactive format - linked to geotags and geoposition,” said Irina Maslova, Acting Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Deputy General Director of the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy.
This location turned out to be popular among different generations of people. Especially for older guests of the exhibition, for whom it is very important to improve their knowledge in the field of financial literacy and security, so as not to fall for scammers in the future.
Another useful part of the University exhibition was the “Professional Kaleidoscope”, thanks to which visitors get acquainted with medical professions and first aid skills using simulators. It is represented by OSU Medical Institute, headed by director Irina Snimshchikova, responsible for educational and career guidance work, Liliya Koroleva and students.
“We talk about our most interesting simulators so that young visitors can try themselves in the role of future doctors: perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, help a person if he is choking, and also show how dentists actually work so that they are not afraid of them. And, of course, we teach first aid for common injuries and abrasions,” shared Polina Potselueva, a student of the Medical Institute.
The University demonstrates the cultural wealth of Orel region at the master classes “Making a souvenir based on the patterns of the Orel Spis embroidery" and “ “Bird” and “Bunny on the finger” folk finger puppets. Visitors paint blank souvenirs and make dolls from templates.
“At our table, with the help of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology student, Margarita Korobetskaya, guests are making a talisman - a textile bell doll from blanks that we made in advance. At the same time, adults rejoice like children and hang it around their necks.
In addition, here you can get acquainted with the literary heritage of Orel region - make postcards with your own hands, placing on them small portraits of Orel writers and their quotes (which still need to be correctly correlated). You can also decorate the postcard with symbols of Orel region, for example, a picture with Orel Spis embroidery. Guests can decorate keychains with the same pattern as a souvenir,” said Elena Alekseenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary General Education at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.
When talking about the University, one cannot fail to mention its scientific activities. Young and adult guests of the exhibition can get closer to serious science and advanced technologies at the “Nano is Nearby” master class, conducted by the head of the Department of Chemistry, Evgeniy Gribanov.
Visitors will get acquainted with high-tech equipment and will be able to observe the peculiarities of the organization of the surface of materials at the nanolevel.
“Online we can observe the study of the surface of gold as one of the materials. We see the structural elements of the surface, their characteristic dimensions, etc. This is necessary to conduct targeted synthesis of materials,” noted Evgeniy Gribanov.
Let us recall that on the basis of a scanning probe microscope, which is part of the presented complex, the “Nanoprobe” was created and launched into low-Earth orbit - a satellite that online allows you to study the influence of high-energy cosmic dust, for example, on the skin of spaceships. There, at the exhibition, using a special website, it was possible to see the current location of the satellite.
Those who enjoy reading can learn to write an amateur essay based on popular original literary works on a given topic thanks to a master class “How to write fan fiction ” by a senior teacher of the Department of History of Russian Literature of the 11th-19th centuries at OSU named after I.S. Turgenev Maria Fedorchuk. You can find out what “fan fiction” is in our interview with Maria Alexandrovna as part of the project “OSU Scientists Speak.”
In addition, each visitor will be able to try on the image of a 16th-century archer and listen to a short story about excavations at Sudbischi battlefield.
The exposition of Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev was visited by a representative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Oleg Mugin. Vice-Rector for Research, Design and Innovation Activities Larisa Borisoglebskaya told him about what innovation projects the University is currently implementing and what high-tech enterprises it is collaborating with.
In addition, Oleg Olegovich got acquainted with the campus project, which will open on the basis of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev in 2026. The concept of the future campus was presented by the head of the Department of Scientific and Innovation Projects Denis Danilevich.
JANUARY 21st IS INTERNATIONAL Postgraduate Student's Day
Dear postgraduate students of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev!
January 21st marks your “professional” holiday - International Postgraduate Student's Day.
This holiday is relevant not only for Russia, but also for foreign countries where the education system was built on the principles laid down in the USSR.
Postgraduate study is the first step towards a scientific career. Here future scientists focus on their research and projects.
The task of the University is to support their first serious steps in science, create the necessary conditions for scientific work and help them grow into outstanding scientists.
Today at OSU named after I.S. Turgenev there are more than 270 PhD students, including from foreign countries: Syria, China, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Côte d'Ivoire and Sierra Leone. I am confident that each of them will make their contribution to the development of Russian and world science in the future.
Dear postgraduate students, I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday! I wish you success in your scientific career, patience and perseverance in achieving your goal! May new discoveries and recognition from the scientific community await you ahead!
Rector of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev A.A. Fedotov
An educational event “Achievements of Russia” is taking place in Orel
Tatyana Retinskaya, the Head of Orel State University Romance Philology Department, Olga Boriskina, Associate Professor of Romance Philology Department, Ekaterina Konygina, Romance Philology Department, gave lectures “Achievements of Russia” for students of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev within the framework of the All-Russian educational campaign “Achievements of Russia”, which is implemented by Russian Society “ZNANIE” in the "Knowledge track. Lecture course." The events became part of the educational program of the International Exhibition and Forum “Russia”.
As part of the Russia Exhibition, VDNKh hosts Days of Regions: lectures, master classes and presentations on the achievements of each region of the country in industry, science, culture, education, sustainable development and entrepreneurship.
In parallel with the Region Day at VDNKh, week-long marathons of lectures by the Znanie Society are being launched directly in the region itself as part of the “Achievements of Russia” campaign. The lecturers are representatives of state and public organizations, cultural and sports figures, and university teaching staff. A separate block of speeches is devoted to the goals of the International Exhibition and Forum “Russia”.
Tatyana Retinskaya, Olga Boriskina, Ekaterina Konygina - experienced popularizers of science - acted as lecturers at the “Achievements of Russia” event and told young listeners about the achievements of Orel region in various sectors of the economy, science and culture.
“Students are given a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the most significant achievements of Orel region and use the knowledge gained in their professional activities,” emphasized Tatyana Retinskaya.
Answering the students questions, Tatyana Retinskaya noticed the activity of the listeners and their interest in studying the history of their native land.
After the event, Maria Zarubina, a 3rd year student of the Institute of Foreign Languages, shared her impressions.
"It was really interesting for me to learn about the outstanding people of the region and feel proud of our small homeland," Maria said.
One of the events of the campaign was held on the basis of Orel Regional Library named after I. A. Bunin. There, for everyone, Yulia Tyutyunova, the Head of the Drawing Department of the Art and Graphic Faculty of OSU named after I. S. Turgenev, gave a lecture about the cultural and literary heritage, achievements of Orel region and its outstanding natives.
"Such events make someone think, look at their region more broadly and find out how many new things are being created in it," said Yulia Mikhailovna.
The "Znanie" Society is the general partner of the educational program of the International Exhibition-Forum "Russia", which will be held from November 4, 2023 to April 12, 2024 on the territory of VDNKh with the participation of all country regions.
In total, more than 1,500 lectures on the traditions, culture, economy, scientific potential of 89 regions, as well as the contribution of each of them to the development of Russia, are planned within the framework of the event.
For reference:
The Russian Society "Znanie" traces its history back to the Soviet public organization founded in 1947 on the initiative of representatives of Soviet intellectuals as "All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge" (since 1963 - All-Union Society "Znanie", since 1991 - Society "Znanie Rossii"). Members of the Society were engaged in popularization of science, gave lectures on the achievements of the Soviet economy and industry. In 2016, Society "Znanie Rossii" was transformed into the All-Russian public educational organization "Russian Society "Znanie". On April 21, 2021, in the President's Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin stated the need to relaunch the Russian Society "Znanie" on a modern digital platform.
More information about the activities of the Russian Society "Znanie" is available on the website and in the social networks of the project: "VKontakte", Telegram.
The International Exhibition and Forum "Russia" is the most important achievements of the country gathered on one platform. Visitors will be presented expositions of all 89 regions of Russia, leading federal departments, corporations and public organizations. Cultural and entertainment events, a rich business and educational program are also waiting for the guests. The Exhibition is attended by representatives of federal authorities, large corporations and public organizations. The exhibition runs at VDNKh in Moscow and will last until April 12, 2024. Detailed information about the events is available in the "Afisha" section on the official website
Results of the X Scientific and Practical Conference of Schoolchildren "Biological Sciences through the Eyes of Young Researchers"
On January 10, the X Annual Scientific and Practical Conference of Schoolchildren “Biological sciences through the eyes of young researchers” was held at Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev, which reached the all-Russian level. Tatyana Tsutsupa, Associate Professor of the Department of Botany, Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants, head of the student environmental team "Ecopulse", has been the organizer and motivator of the schoolchildren's Conference for the tenth year.
The Annual Scientific and Practical Conference of Schoolchildren “Biological sciences through the eyes of young researchers” brought together more than 50 participants from different parts of Russia at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Biotechnology – from Orel and Bryansk regions to Mariupol and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The authors of 43 projects – individual researchers, as well as teams of authors – competed for victory in the Conference.
At the opening of the Conference, the Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Biotechnology, Angela Tyapkina, greeted the participants and wished the children fruitful work. In addition, Natalya Kondykova, who is responsible for organizing career guidance work, presented in detail the areas of training implemented at the Institute.
The event was held in person with the possibility of on-line participation. The Conference was held in the following sections:
"Applied ecology"
"Bio ecology",
“Diversity, conservation and rational use of animals”,
"Physiology and biochemistry of plants",
"Human Anatomy and Physiology"
"History of Natural Science".
Schoolchildren presented their work in the format of oral reports and presentations on various topics - from growing plants in space to in vitro research into the mechanism of the protective action of certain drugs and even the search for new alternatives to traditional antibiotics. Young participants talked about their experimental and theoretical research, revealed current topics, and shared their impressions and recommendations. Members of the expert jury, which included leading university scientists, noted the high level of many of the works submitted to the competition.
The Conference ended with the announcement of the winners and prize-winners, as well as discussion of the works, which, according to the jury, turned out to be the most relevant. All Conference participants will traditionally receive certificates of participation, winners and prize-winners will be awarded diplomas, and the leaders of young researchers will be recognized with letters of thanks. Based on the results of the Conference it is planned to publish a collection of works, which will be placed in the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU
Prospects for the development of the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacist IS the profession of the future.
Students of Orel State University Faculty of Foreign Students Preparation learned about the prospects of development of the pharmaceutical industry. The project of the same name was realized by Alexander Lebedev, Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy of the Medical Institute; Irina Filina, Professor of the Department, and Ekaterina Chechil, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Communication.
The objective of “Prospects for the development of the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacist is the profession of the future” project is to introduce foreign students to the profession of a pharmacist.
The project consisted of three events. As part of the seminar “Promising directions for the development of pharmacy,” the head of the department of pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacy, Alexander Lebedev, spoke about the features of the pharmaceutical business in Russia and abroad.
In her report “Promising directions for the development of the pharmaceutical industry,” Professor Irina Filina introduced foreign students to promising directions for the development of pharmacy and industrial pharmacy.
As part of the blitz conference “The Social Significance of the Pharmacist Profession,” students were introduced to the conditions of study at the Medical Institute at the Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy. In addition, with the help of Associate Professor of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Communication Ekaterina Chechil, an interesting discussion was held.
In conclusion, Irina Filina conducted an excursion to the Museum of Pharmacy, where students learned about the history of pharmacy in Russia and Orel region.
From September 18 to 21, Veliky Novgorod is hosting the finals of the High Technology Championship on the basis of the Innovative Scientific and Technological Center "Intelligent Electronics - Valdai".
The Orel region team in the Flying Robotics competence is represented by Maxim Potanin, a third-year student of the Orel State University Mtsensk branch. He is studying in the specialty "Information Systems and Programming", where he consciously entered after graduating from secondary school. Maxim actively participates in various contests and competitions, demonstrating his talent and professionalism in the field of robotics and programming.
Maxim proved himself in the competition of young professionals in the competence "Flying Robotics" at the regional level, where he took first place. His programming abilities and skills were successfully applied in the creation of programs for drone control. In addition to participating in the Young Professionals competition, Maxim also proved himself in the large all-Russian Cyberdrome competition. He is a member of the Deiser team, which reached the finals of the competition. During the competition, Maxim and his team competed with other talented participants in the field of drone and robotics control, working on challenging tasks. The experience allowed him to expand his knowledge and skills in development and programming.
"Programming is central to my life. In my spare time, I build my skills in various programming languages. My main languages are Python, PHP and JavaScript. I am passionate about web development and often do freelance website development. In addition, participating in the Young Professionals competition gave me a lot of experience working with drones and programming their movements," says Maxim.
Acting Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Engineering, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Automated Control Systems and Cybernetics Sharifov Nail Kuli Ogly participates as an expert-mentor.
In 2019 he became one of the organizers of the pilot project "Personnel for Digital Industry. Creating complete design and engineering solutions in competition mode". The project was created to prepare aspiring professionals to work in innovative sectors of the digital industry, such as artificial intelligence and neural networks, unmanned technologies, robotics and others.
In 2020, he acted as a coach for Orel State University team, which took part in the second stage of the competition "Personnel for Digital Industry. Creation of complete design and engineering solutions in competition mode" in the direction of "Operation of unmanned aircraft systems" and made it to the finals (7 teams (31 participants) became the finalist of the Competition, the University team was awarded a diploma for winning in the category "Best development of the algorithm of the flight program of UAS", and the individual project was awarded a diploma in the category "For the best engineering solution of UAS").
In 2021, he was a coach of the team "Rocket" from Orel state University, which became a prize-winner of the final of the All-Russian competition "Personnel for Digital Industry. Creation of complete design and engineering solutions in the competition mode "Cyberdrome-2021"".
In 2022, he was an expert of the All-Russian competition "Personnel for Digital Industry. Creation of complete design and engineering solutions in the Cyberdrome competition mode".
Today he is the chief expert of the competence "Operation of Unmanned Aerial Systems" of the Professional Skills Championship "Professionals" and an expert of the competence "Flying Robotics" held within the framework of the High Technologies Championship - 2023.
The opening ceremony and the first competition day will take place on September 18. The participants have already familiarized themselves with the site and equipment and are ready to win!
We wish our team success and victory!
On September 5, a solemn ceremony of laying a commemorative time capsule with a message to students from the builders took place at the site of the future campus.
The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Airat Gatiyatov, Governor of Orel Region Andrey Klychkov, Rector of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev Alexander Fedotov, Director General of the public-law company "Unified Customer in the Sphere of Construction" Karen Oganesyan, Head of the general contractor Smart Management LLC Sayd-Magomed Zubairaev and representatives of Orel universities.
In his greeting the Governor Andrey Klychkov expressed his gratitude to the President of Russia, the Federal Government, as well as the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the support of the project and close cooperation on its implementation. According to Andrey Klychkov, the campus will ensure a new quality of development of Orel region relying on the intellectual power and potential, energy and talents of Orel youth.
"Such a project is the result of many years of fruitful efforts of the entire university community of Orel region. The creation of the campus will make it possible to solve several strategic tasks, including the development of new high-tech industries, the introduction of educational programs with digital economy competencies. This will multiply the human resources and scientific and technical potential of our region. And, of course, it will create a modern space, new opportunities for personal growth, communication and meaningful leisure time for students.
The project of the interuniversity campus is a contribution of Orel region to the solution of national tasks, strengthening of the scientific and technological potential of the country, further development of the region's higher education in support of Orel youth", - said the Governor.
Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Airat Gatiyatov expressed his congratulations on the start of construction of the interuniversity campus:
"The construction of the interuniversity campus in Orel will give an impulse to the development of scientific potential, attraction of talented and successful young people of the region and neighboring regions, as well as increase the human resources potential. Today an important step has been made in the development of education in Orel region".
At the ceremony they also read out a welcome message from Smart Management LLC, the general designer and contractor of the project:
"This project is unique in that the planning and design solutions are developed taking into account the wishes and interests of six universities at once. And at the same time these interests should be linked with technical capabilities. We want to assure you that we have a very good and professional team with extensive experience in the realization of unique projects. We are sure that the interuniversity campus will be the most important place of concentration of people, accessible and open to all by its architectural beauty, urbanism and comfort".
After the welcoming part, the guests of the ceremony proceeded to the key event - laying a memorable time capsule with a message from the builders to the students, the text of which reads as follows:
"...We are confident that the campus will become a place of attraction not only for six universities, but for all students and teachers of our large country. May the opportunities of the inter-university campus give you a gift to realize any of your abilities and become a strong foundation for achieving your goals. We wish you to always design your life in the direction of happiness. And remember, we are building the future together!".
Construction of the interuniversity campus with a total area of more than 60 thousand square meters will begin in the fall of 2023 and will be completed in 2026. There will be an educational and laboratory building and dormitories for 1,500 people with co-working spaces, a fitness zone, a food court and recreational areas, as well as a soccer field. The inter-university campus will unite students and teachers from six universities of the city and will be built on the basis of Orel State University named after I.S.Turgenev. The realization of the project will create more than 2000 new jobs. The state customer is the public-law company "Unified Customer in the Sphere of Construction". The state contract was concluded with the company "Smart Management" LLC.
In addition, Airat Gatiyatov held a meeting with the heads of educational organizations of higher education of Orel region. The meeting was held in the Boiling Point Venues of Orel State University. It was also attended by Governor Andrey Klychkov, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Olga Pilipenko, rectors and vice-rectors of higher education institutions participating in the future campus.
The meeting discussed the results of the 2023 admission campaign, the needs of universities, including within the framework of the inter-university campus, and many other topics.
From August 14 to 20, 2023, the ninth annual International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2023" was held on the territory of the Patriot Park.
15 thousand specialists, including more than 3 thousand specialists of the highest qualification took part in more than 260 events.
The Forum is the world's leading exhibition of weapons and military equipment, and also represents an authoritative platform of advanced ideas and developments in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Visitors and participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the defense industrial complex of Russia and foreign countries, attend events of the scientific and business program, and meet potential partners.
At the event in the pavilion "All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators" (VOIR), the team of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev represented by Nail Sharifov, Acting Director of the CMI, senior lecturer of the Department of Automated Control Systems and Cybernetics and Dmitry Babenkov, the CMI technician presented two projects: a traffic light control system, as well as an unmanned aerial vehicle-quadcopter. The developers of the new presented projects were students of OSU Institute of Instrumentation, Automation and Information Technologies Matvey Grachev (Department of Automated Control Systems and Cybernetics), Dmitry Babenkov (Department of Information Systems and Digital Technologies), Andrey Baikov, Anton Perelygin (Department of Automated Control Systems and Cybernetics).
The developments of our students were presented to Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
On June 30, the Third International Economic Forum opened in Orel. The keynote of the event was the mobilization of the economy as the most important condition of achieving the economic independence of Russia on the way to a social state.
The Forum was attended by Governor of Orel Region Andrei Klychkov, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Kashin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Nina Ostanina, Deputy Head of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Nikolai Kolomeitsev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Mikhail Shchapov, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy Nikolai Arefyev.
Rector Alexander Fedotov, Director of the International Relations Department Svetlana Aronova, Rector's Advisor on Medical, Scientific and Educational Activities Konstantin Bobrakov and other staff members represented orel State University at the Forum.
Federal and regional experts discussed the issues of economic independence of Russia, achievement of national development goals of the country, development of social sphere and tax reform.
Also within the framework of the Orel International Economic Forum an exhibition of Orel region enterprises and manufacturers was held in the lobby of the "GRINN" shopping mall. More information about the Forum can be found on the website of the Government of Orel region.
A Soyuz-2.1b rocket is currently being prepared for launch at the Vostochny launch site. It carries on board, among other things, the Nanozond-1 satellite of Orel State University with a payload in the form of the world's first scanning probe microscope.
This is a joint project of scientists and students of the MIET National Research University, the Proton plant in Zelenograd and Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, which was also worked on by schoolchildren from different parts of the country - pupils of the Sirius Educational Center. In addition, the project was supported by the Innovation Development Fund.
The main task of the project is to find out how the surfaces of spacecrafts (by the example of "Nanozond-1") are damaged in the aggressive environment of the near-Earth space (dust, solar energy, space debris, etc.), and, therefore, what characteristics should the materials for their production have. For this purpose, the probe microscope on board the satellite will scan the surface of the gold mirror, which is exposed to the space environment, with nanometer precision. The images of the surface will then be transmitted by radio to Earth for further study.
On June 9, a representative delegation from Palestine paid a working visit to Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev to exchange experience in scientific and educational fields, as well as to develop further cooperation.
During the talks, the parties discussed the achievements in science, the activities of IT-specialists, who receive high quality education at our university and are in demand in the labor market. In addition to the above, important topics were: information security, which is taught at our Law Institute, biomedical photonics, and the relevance of training in the specialties "Robotics" and "Unmanned Systems" was also made public. Of course, there was also discussion of the bilateral study of languages - Arabic and Russian, as well as the possibility of students exchanges.
"I think today's event is very important. The potential that our university has accumulated over more than 100 years is of great interest to our colleagues, including the training of personnel. I can say that few universities in the country can boast such achievements, which we have, in particular in the dissertation councils and in the inventive activity," said Sergey Radchenko.
Our guests were also given a tour of the university's chemical laboratories and the Faculty of Art and Graphics, where the best student works of arts and crafts were on display.
At the end of the event a cooperation agreement was signed between Orel State University and Al-Istiklal University of Palestine.The final act of a successful meeting was the presentation of memorable gifts by the representatives of both sides: books about our university and the Battle of Soborovo Field were presented from Orel region, and Palestinians presented their embroidery, recognized as a cultural heritage of UNESCO, and traditional sweets.
Within the framework of the project "Social and Cultural Adaptation of International Students and Their Integration into Russian Society" the teachers of OSU Medical Institute: Head of the Department of General, Biological, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy E.I. Yushkova; Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health, Health and Hygiene L.V. Pervushina; Associate Professor of the Department of General, Biological, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy M.A. Yarovataya developed and implemented a the following number of activities: holding a joint lesson with Russian students, introductory talk about literary heritage of Orel region, excursion to the museum of Orel writers, visiting of histological museum for students of "General Medicine", "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy".
Thus, international medical students took an active part in a joint lesson with students of school No.17 on the topic “History of health care in foreign countries”.
An interesting excursion "The History of Histological Science" in the Histological Museum of the Medical Institute of OSU was conducted for foreign students by an employee of the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology V.V. Titova. A lively discussion was aroused among the students by a conversation about the outstanding Russian scientist-physician A.I. Babukhin.
In addition, a fascinating excursion was held for foreign students at the Museum of Orel Writers, where they got acquainted with the literary heritage of Orel region.
The result of all events was an essay written by students, in which they shared their impressions and remembered everything they saw and heard.
The participants of the project "Social and Cultural Adaptation of International Students and Their Integration into Russian Society" thanked all the organizers of the events, expressing the unanimous opinion that there should be more such wonderful projects at OSU named after I. S. Turgenev. Foreign students are ready to take part in them with great pleasure, and professors are more than willing to hold events.
The traditional action "Ecovolunteers in the socio-cultural space of Orel Region" was held on April 14, 2023 at the "Spasskoe-Lutovinovo" State Memorial and Natural Museum-Estate of I.S. Turgenev. Students of the Law Institute, studying in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology of Deviant Behavior" and the direction of training "Social Work", on the instructions of the employees of the Museum-Estate, together with the teachers of the Department of Social and Pedagogical Education and Deontology, worked in the apple orchard, located behind the parking of excursion buses.
Having been instructed and armed with gloves, the students promptly started cleaning up broken and dry sawn branches: “Our main task was to collect branches so that the reserve workers could immediately load them into a tractor trailer and clear the area.” In this, the male part of the group actively helped the employees of the gardening and park service.
Students share their impressions: “It was very pleasant to watch the enthusiasm of both boys and girls, everyone took the initiative and even at some point began to compete who can clean up the most." "After work, we were given hot tea to drink and delicious ring-shaped cracknel” “I would like to note that very kind and sympathetic people work in this place, they were happy to talk about the reserve and answer our questions." "We had the opportunity to talk with Yuri Ivanovich Zuev, the author of the virtual photo exhibition “I Serve Beauty!”, and also look live at the beauties of nature, which are presented in his works."
After cleaning the territory and drinking tea, everyone was given a tour of the house-museum of I.S. Turgenev. Unfortunately, due to windy weather, the park was closed to visitors and students were not able to walk along its alleys. For children who had already visited the museum on previous trips, a visit to the school named after Ivan Sergeevich was organized. The director of the Spassko-Lutovinovskaya Secondary School named after I.S. Turgenev, Tatiana Shunina, introduced the guests to the history of the school, its present, and told them about its future plans.
A visit to Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, participation in an environmental action, according to the students, "allowed them to spend time with benefit, to enjoy the beauty of the world around them, and to unite.
For three years now, at OSU Theory and History of State and Law Department, there has been a profile of "International and Comparative Law" for foreign students. In addition to classroom activities, teachers organize various cultural events, educational excursions, trips to theaters and museums. This helps foreign students to get acquainted with the culture and history of Orel and Russia, cultivates interest and love to the chosen specialty, desire to learn.
On April 7, on one of the main Orthodox holidays, the Annunciation, students of the Law Institute together with foreign students from the Medical Institute, Institute of Economics and Management, Institute of Natural Sciences and Biotechnology, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology and Department of Foreign Students Training visited Bolkhov. The excursion was led by the teacher Albina Vladimirovna Agaeva and acting expert on cultural values of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, candidate of art history Marianna Komova, associate professor of the Department of theology, religious studies and cultural aspects of national security at OSU named after I. S. Turgenev. It is worth noting that this trip has already become a good tradition, exactly two years ago on this day, students of the Law Institute already visited this small provincial town.
Upon arrival in the city, the students went to the Transfiguration Cathedral, where they saw part of the service, learned about the history of the founding of the temple from Komova Marianna Alexandrovna. Climbing the bell tower left a special impression. At an altitude of 76 meters, the guys managed to take beautiful photos, touch the ancient bell, look at the picturesque landscapes with many temples and cathedrals. Students fully felt like bell ringers. The next point of the excursion plan was the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, a cultural monument of the 17th century. In it, the students were told about the life of St. George of Kosovo in Orel.
After the visit to the temples there was a break for lunch, which was also Orthodox in character. All the dishes at Cafe 777 were exclusively from the Lenten menu. The afternoon was set aside for a visit to the Bolkhov Museum of Local Lore. An excursion were devoted to the history of Orel region, Bolkhov district in particular, writers and poets of the region, everyday life and customs of the city. Then the museum staff conducted an interactive, which introduced foreign students to the history of Orthodox holidays, customs and traditions.
The event, organized by the Bolkhov Regional House of Culture, was the conclusion. The students were greeted with a Russian folk song performed by the "Pechki lavochki" creative team. During the whole event students took part in all sorts of contests and games held in the Bolkhov district on the main Orthodox holidays: the Trinity, Christmas, and Easter. By the end of the event everyone's cheeks were hurting from smiling. On a joyful note, the trip ended with a joint photo.
Participants of the trip note that they learned a lot about the traditions and Orthodox holidays.
"This day will stay in my memory for a long time. Thank you very much for the wonderful tour, for the interesting story. We have seen churches many times, we passed by some of them every day, but we knew nothing about them. Now we will look at them with different eyes. It is wonderful that Russians keep the memory of their past. It's very important for young people. This we can learn from the Russians," one of the participants shared his impressions of the trip.
"In this trip we were able to show the important through the prism of the simple. The main goal of this event was to help international students to get acquainted with our cultural heritage and spiritual values, to give foreign students and Russian-speaking people an opportunity to learn a little more about our faith. In my opinion, this goal has been achieved," said Albina Agaeva, Associate Professor of Theory and History of State and Law Department.
The entire trip was accompanied by video broadcasts of foreign students with graduates of our University, their correspondence with their families, in which they shared photos and videos.
On April 4-5, 2023, the Digital Business Space hosted Moscow Economic Forum (MEF), the key theme of which was "New Industrialization," related to the development of a stimulating tax, soft monetary, and protectionist foreign trade policy.
The program of the Forum included 3 plenary discussions, 19 thematic round tables and sessions. The participants discussed issues related to industrial, social and banking policy, financial resources, development of rural areas and regions, cooperation with China and international trade under the WTO conditions, as well as problems of information and cultural sphere, and technological challenges of our time.
The key experts of the Forum were:
- Konstantin Babkin, chairman of the IEF, co-owner of the Rostselmash combine plant,
- Sergey Glazyev, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
- economist, the State Duma deputy Oksana Dmitrieva,
- Mikhail Delyagin, an economist, publicist, the State Duma deputy,
- Andrey Pavlov, Russian businessman, founder and president of Zenden company,
- Yuri Krupnov, publicist, Chairman of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development,
- Robert Nigmatulin, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, acting head of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev was represented at the Forum by Larisa Borisoglebskaya, Vice-Rector for Science and Project Innovation, Sophia Novakova, Head of the Information and Analytical Department, and Stanislava Makarova, Director of the Center for Scientific Communications and Interdisciplinary Projects.
Moscow Economic Forum opened with the plenary session "Economy of Russia. Toward a new industrialization" under the chairmanship of Konstantin Babkin, the president of the Industrial Union "New Commonwealth". The event was attended by: Svetlana Danilina, Vice-President of Tauras-Fenix JSC, Oksana Dmitrieva, a member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, Salis Karakotov, General Director of JSC Shchelkovo Agrokhim, Andrey Klepach, Chief Economist of the VEB.RF State Development Corporation, Andrey Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Head of the Russian Research Institute of Oceanology. The plenary discussion was attended by Robert Nigmatulin, Russian statesman and President of the Union of Domestic Commodity Producers, Oleg Soskovets. During the plenary discussion the issues of economic development, production support and industry management system in the industry were discussed.
At the Second Plenary discussion "From Globalism to Multipolarity" the participants touched upon the issues of globalization, the possibility of transition to multipolarity in the world economy, and the creation of economic alliances. The discussion was moderated by Yuri Tavrovsky, head of the Analytical Center "The Russian Dream and the Chinese Dream" at the Izborsk Club and deputy chairman of the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society.
For a comprehensive discussion of the issues the following participants were invited:
- Vladimir Boglaev, general director of JSC "Cherepovets Casting-Mechanical Plant",
- Jose Alfredo Graça Lima, vice-chairman of the Brazilian Center of International Relations (CEBRI),
- Nandan Unnikrishnan, Indian political scientist , an honorary member of the Observer Research Foundation,
- Emerick Choprad, political scientist, professor and associate professor of geopolitics at universities and military academies in France, Switzerland, Morocco and Tunisia.
One of the important topics discussed at the MEF venues was the training of highly qualified personnel. Within the framework of a separate session “Education. Personnel for Industry” attention was paid to reducing the shortage of personnel and the need to improve the quality of training of specialists, and not their quantity. These issues are relevant for all countries in the EAEU.
Based on the results of participation in the MEF OSU named after. I.S. Turgenev, at the invitation of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, current member of the board for integration and macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission Sergey Glazyev, plans to actively join the work of the Eurasian Network University as a scientific and educational consortium aimed at developing the human and intellectual capital of the EAEU.
Moscow Economic Forum ended on April 5, 2023. In total, over 1,500 people took part in the forum events, more than 100 speakers from 20 countries (Russia, Brazil, India, France, China, etc.) made presentations.
On March 30-31, the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychological and Pedagogical Support of the Educational Process: Problems, Prospects, Technologies" was held at OSU named after I.S. Turgenev. The event was held as part of the implementation of the program of strategic academic leadership "Priority 2030" with the participation of an interuniversity consortium in order to modernize the technologies for organizing the educational process, increase the educational, expert and organizational role of the university in solving regional problems of modern education and the implementation of the federal project "One Country - Accessible Environment" .
The Conference brought together more than 1200 representatives of the scientific and pedagogical community (Volgograd, Vologda, Vladimir, Kursk, Kaluga, Kazan, Moscow, Murmansk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Pskov, Voronezh, Chern, Orel and the Orel region, Yaroslavl, etc.), representatives of executive authorities, local governments, public associations. The Conference was remotely attended by foreign colleagues (Moldova (Tiraspol), Belarus (Minsk), Kostanay (Kazakhstan)).
Welcoming speeches to the participants of the conference were made by:
Olga Pilipenko, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly, member of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, member of the Legislative Council of the Russian Federation, member of the Education Commission of the General Council of the "United Russia" Party (Moscow),
Anna Almazova, Director of the Institute for Childhood, Moscow Pedagogical State University, member of the Working Group on Development of Accessible and Quality Pre-School and General Education for Children with Disabilities, Commission on the Affairs of the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow),
Oksana Tarasova, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,Orel State University,
Mikhail Terentyev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, Coordinator of the federal project "One Country - Accessible Environment" of the "United Russia" Party, Chairman of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled (Moscow) also congratulated the participants on the opening of the Conference.
Olga Orlova, Vice-President of "Association of Phoniatrists and Phonopedists", Academician of International Slavic Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Speech Therapy Department of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Chief Research Associate of National Medical Research Center of Otorhinolaryngology FMBA of Russia, Leading Researcher of Federal Center for Socialization and Personalization of Education for Children with Autism, told about interdisciplinary problems of continuous teacher education in light of the draft professional standard "Medical Speech Therapist".
The problem of parents raising children with autism was highlighted by Sergei Morozov, PhD in biology, associate professor, leading researcher at the Center for Socialization and Personalization of Education for Children, Federal Institute for Educational Development of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Svetlana Morozova, researcher at the Research Center for Socialization and Personalization of Education for Children, and Tatiana Morozova, correctional educator, director of correctional work at the "Society for Autistic Children "Dobro".
In addition, the Conference participants presented reports on the modern concept of psychological and pedagogical support for persons with disabilities in inclusive and special education; the problem of using collaborative technologies in the educational activities of a modern university; social aspects of non-formal education of adolescents in need of comprehensive rehabilitation; preparing students of specialized classes to consciously choose a profession related to chemistry in terms of digitalization; interaction of psychological services.
Also as part of the conference, workshops were held at the regional rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities:
"Psychological and pedagogical support for a family raising a child with severe and multiple developmental disabilities and severe forms of autism spectrum disorder who does not use speech as a means of communication (results of lean projects in the activities of the rehabilitation center),
"Using Innovative Technologies in Corrective and Developmental Work with Nonverbal Children with Severe and Multiple Developmental Disabilities and Severe Forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Rehabilitation Center",
"Using PECS Technology in Corrective and Developmental Work with Children with Severe and Multiple Developmental Disabilities and Severe Forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder as part of the implementation of the "Way to Do Good" Microrehabilitation Center Social Service Project.
The specialists of the rehabilitation center spoke about the experience of introducing information technologies into the practice of the PPMS center with disabled people and parents.
Summing up the results of the Conference, the participants noted the constructive nature of the exchange of views, the openness and practical orientation of discussions during the work of sections and master classes.
Members of the International Research Laboratory "Problems of Social and Territorial Diversity" Tatiana Retinskaya and Alexei Chechil presented a report on the analysis of the functioning of non-conventional lexemes in the texts of French comics at the XIV International Scientific Conference on Argology, organized by Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) and the University Paris Descartes (Sorbonne / France).
Linguists from the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, and Spain took part in the scientific event.
The Conference was held in a full-time format. The Russian participants were given an opportunity to listen to the reports and speak on the Microsoft Teams platform.
The organizing committee decided to include the articles of the Russian speakers in a collective monograph, which will be published at the end of the Conference in a leading international scientific publishing house Peter Lang (Berlin-Bern-Brussels-Warsaw-Wien-New York-Oxford).
It should be noted that members of the Laboratory regularly participate in conferences organized by Paris Descartes University.
On March 21, the annual Youth Forum titled "World Without Borders" began at Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin. The Forum brought together students from different countries to learn about each other's cultures.
The event was organized by the Government of Orel Region, the Department of Internal Policy and Local Self-Government Development of Orel Region, Orel Regional Youth Center "Polyot", the Department of Education of Orel Region and Orel State Agrarian University named after N. V. Parakhin.
With the slogan "We are different, but we are together!" the students of the city gathered to prevent interethnic conflicts in the youth environment. The forum included a thematic interactive exhibition, a roundtable, a concert program and a buffet with the most unusual dishes.
Natalya Vasilyeva, head of the Educational Work Department of orel state University, told more about the participation of international students of the University in the forum exhibition:
"Our University had the biggest exhibition. We presented all the work, which is aimed at maintaining harmony in interethnic relations. The biggest number of foreign students study at Orel State University - at the moment it is about 2000 people, so for us it is one of the most important tasks.
Today we presented the work of some structures, which are dealing with prevention of extremism in young environment - these are student associations and clubs. The Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology presented its handmade toys and amulets, which are created in the framework of applied art.
The Art and Graphic Faculty was also represented, showing the work of its students - these are various knick knackatories, forms with incrustation.
The Medical Institute was also represented, as it has the largest number of foreign students. The guys involve foreign students in the volunteer movement. Many of them help in hospitals, during the pandemic they proved themselves well. Some students go to hospitals to the seriously ill and support them with small concerts".
Thus, about 100 students from Egypt, India and Yemen took part in the Forum from Orel State University.
After the exhibition the concert program started and was opened by Vadim Sokolov, First Deputy Governor of Orel Region and Vladimir Masalov, Rector of OSAU named after N.V. Parakhin:
"I am glad to greet all the participants of the Forum, which today has a very important motto "We are different, but we are together". We have gathered in this hall to talk about the feelings that unite us - friendship, comradeship and devotion to the Motherland. Now that we have seen such a diverse exhibition, we clearly understand what unites us and will never give anyone the opportunity to divide us. And the more united we are, the stronger we are! I am convinced that today's event will be important for Orel region!" - Vadim Sokolov greeted the participants.
“It's great that representatives of all universities of Orel region have gathered here today and we see that our city is becoming a student center, attractive from the point of view of education for countries around the world. I think that this increases the prestige of the region and Russia as a whole. We, Orel universities, are doing everything to ensure that during your studies in institutions you receive not only highly qualified knowledge, but also be able to love the culture of our region,” added Vladimir Masalov.
The concert program of the Forum featured creative teams of the Oryol State University. I. S. Turgeneva: the ensemble of drummers "Triumph", the dance group "Lace" and the winner of all-Russian, international competitions and festivals Alisa Zhutaeva. Their performances received a huge amount of applause and positive emotions from the audience.
In the concert program of the Forum creative teams of Orel State University performed: the ensemble of drummers "Triumph", a dance group "Lace" and the laureate of Russian and international competitions and festivals Alisa Zhutayeva. Their performances gathered a lot of applause and positive emotions of the audience.
The festive program ended with a buffet table, where participants could taste a wide variety of dishes from different countries of the world: from Armenia to Egypt.
On March 19-20, 2023, the II International Parliamentary Conference "Russia - Africa" was held in Moscow at the State Duma. More than 40 official parliamentary delegations from most African countries took part in the event.
4th year student of the Faculty of Technology, Entrepreneurship and Service of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev, Abraham Jules Andre Hebert, a student of the "Tourism" field of study, who is also a representative of the organization "HAITIAN - RUSSIAN FRIENDSHIP", took part in the conference.
The main objectives of the conference included the strengthening of interaction between the Russian Federation and the countries of the African continent in the parliamentary dimension.
The conference was attended by representatives of scientific and educational and expert communities from Russia and African countries, members of the State Duma, heads of federal executive bodies, senators of the Federation Council, heads of legislative bodies of the Russian Federation, and representatives of the business community.
The conference is aimed at strengthening parliamentary cooperation with African countries in the context of a multipolar world, development of relations and elaboration of common approaches to legal regulation in the economy, science and education, and security.
One of the good traditions of the Law Institute in recent years has been the involvement of international students in the daily life of our country through good, well-established traditions. One of these holidays was the Russian Pancake Day(Maslenitsa). It is a holiday of both Russian tradition, analogies of which are found in almost all nations whose lives are connected with the arrival of spring, and all the charm that lives in the festive Russian national clothes.
Students of the Law Institute of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev selebrated with traditional pancakes, jam, bagels and other symbols of both Russian cuisine and a traditional student feast. There were pancakes from several housewives, and, as they say, from a domestic manufacturer. It is both possible and necessary to understand another country through what and how they eat here.
It is no secret that another country, in which you have not just to live for several years, but also to study in another language, does not immediately become familiar. In order to smooth the difficulties of cultural exchange and understanding the culture of the new country, OSU Theory and History of State and Law Department constantly helps foreign students studying international and comparative law at Law Institute to feel closer to what is called the Russian culture.
New in this year's carnival was the fact that undergraduates of the Theory and History of State and Law Department, studying in the profile "Historical and Legal Education", within the framework of pedagogical practice, took the most lively, and bilingual participation in this event, carrying both the word and the music of the great Russian classical composers to the student audience.
From February 15 to February 17, 2023 a delegation of the Embassy of Uganda in Russia led by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Moses Kawaaluuko Kizige visited Orel region. He holds this post since the summer of 2022.
Along with a meeting with the Governor of Orel region, representatives of the business community of our region, the delegation also visited Orel State University, where it had a working meeting with the Rector of the University Alexander Fedotov, Director of International Relations Department Svetlana Aronova and the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Students Training Alexander Stetsenko.
During the meeting, the Rector emphasized the importance of cooperation with the states of the African continent in the educational and scientific sphere, spoke about the students from various African states studying at the University, and outlined potential ways of interaction. He also noted the prospects of teaching students from Uganda, since this state is the leader in terms of the share of the young population in the age structure of the country's population as a whole, and as Orel State University can offer a large number of different basic and additional educational programs that can provide training in any profession.
Svetlana Aronova, Director of OSU International Relations Department, spoke more specifically about the University's opportunities in the field of training and admission.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Moseso Kawaaluuko Kizige expressed sincere interest not only in educational, but also in scientific cooperation, picturesquely described the possibilities of his country and its needs in the field of interaction.
After the working meeting, the delegation from Uganda visited Arts and Graphics Faculty, where the Dean of the Faculty, Mikhail Shulgin, spoke about the educational opportunities, demonstrating the results of students' training in the form of objects of arts and crafts, painting, sculpture, batik, design, which the guests considered with keen interest.
In the last round of the Student Hockey League hockey players of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev hosted Kazan "Krylatye Bars". Home games with Tambov "Derzhava" already made the newcomers to the elite of student hockey look at the team in a new way. The players of Orel team are gradually getting used to the new tournament, getting hard knocks and starting to believe in themselves. The games with the Bars only confirmed that.
The home team didn't give their opponents or fans the slightest chance to think they might lose. At some points, they still lacked chemistry, but they more than made up for those deficiencies with individual skill and the home court factor. Orel fans saw bright hockey in person at home, and it will be the matches of the last tour that will draw more attention to the team of Orel State University.
Both games pleased the fans with a large number of goals scored and two beautiful victories of the Orel team: 5:3 and 8:5.
Samvel Davtyan, captain of the I.S. Turgenev OGU team: "The valuable thing about this victory is that we defeated a strong opponent. The guys are the winners of the Student Hockey League. These victories are a big success for us. I hope that's just the beginning. These matches confirmed that we are gradually becoming a team. We're getting to know each other from the game point of view and we're improving our tactics. I don't think we're thinking about the playoffs yet - there are still too many games to play. We must give our best in every game. Playing against tough opponents like we did in our group is a big opportunity for each player to grow. And that growth is sure to pay off. More precisely, it has already begun."
Adel Galiullin, player of HC "Krylatye Bars" (Kazan): "After home games there was some self-confidence. Maybe we underestimated our opponent somewhere. But excuses are the lot of the weak. We have what we have. I have to give credit to our opponent; their mood was very different from how it was in Kazan. We saw a completely different team here. They had a great commitment. Last week, when the Orel hockey team played with Tambov and put up a very good fight, you could see that the team is getting used to it. The foundations were being laid. They had to take a shot. And they did."
Gennady Skiba, the coach of Orel State University team: "The meeting with Kazan hockey players in the first round ended unsuccessfully for us - we lost both games with a large score. There were many reasons for that, we were brought down by injuries and illnesses. I admit that we were expecting a hard fought game in this round. In the last round, in games against Tambov Derzhava, we showed an equal game. And there was hope for the development of success. And everything has turned out".
On January 10, 2023, the traditional annual Scientific and Practical Conference of schoolchildren "Biological sciences through the eyes of young researchers" was held at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Biotechnology of Orel State University. The organizer and ideological inspirer of the Conference is Associate Professor of the Department of Botany, Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants, Ph.D. Tatyana Tsutsupa.
The online Conference was attended by students of grades 5-11 of secondary schools and gymnasiums, as well as institutions of additional education in the city of Orel and Orel region. The format of the Conference was not chosen by chance. Weather conditions and the epidemiological situation do not always allow young participants to get to the venue of the event from remote areas of the region.
The meeting of young researchers was opened with a welcoming speech by Angela Tyapkina, director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Biotechnology. Natalia Kondykova, the Institute Career Guidance Coordinator, spoke about the specifics of the areas of study and the specifics of the admissions campaign in 2023. This information has undoubtedly become important for students in grades 10-11 and will help them in choosing directions for their future studies at the University.
Eight sections were organized in the work of the Scientific and Practical Conference: "Applied Ecology", "Bioecology", "Biotechnology", "History of the development of natural science", "Diversity, protection and rational use of animals", "Botany", "Physiology, biochemistry of plants and biophysics", "Anatomy and physiology of man". The reports of the participants caused a heated discussion of the jury members and many questions, since each work revealed the topics that are relevant today.
In particular, the speech of Mikhail Kolesnikov (Grade 11, MBOU-Secondary School No. 6, Orel) revealed the seriousness of self-harm - an urgent problem for modern teenagers. The report demonstrated the personal example of the author in solving the pressing issue of helping teenagers get rid of the obsessive idea of inflicting bodily harm on themselves.
An interesting report was made by Denis Chirkov (grade 7, MBOU-school No. 51 of Orel), in which he demonstrated practical work on making shampoo from natural products, which allows you to maintain healthy hair and scalp.
The work of Alina Korotkova and Anton Pervykh (10th grade, Educational Institution of Orel Region "Constellation of Orel") attracted special attention. The children managed to screen nitrogen-fixing bacteria for their ability to stimulate plant growth. The data obtained are undoubtedly of interest to scientists-microbiologists, plant breeders and biotechnologists.
The works and reports of the participants of the Conference were evaluated by the members of the jury - leading teachers of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Biotechnology, who have scientific degrees of candidates and doctors of sciences.
According to the results of the Conference, the jury determined the winners and prize-winners, who were given diplomas of appropriate categories. The work of supervisors and mentors of the Conference participants was noted by letters of gratitude.