The Student Scientific Society (SNO) is a voluntary association and all that is needed from you in order to become its member is a desire and, of course, inform the chairman of the SNO about your desire.
The main goal of the SNO is to popularize science among students and create conditions for the realization of the scientific potential of students.
The main objectives of the Student Scientific Society are:
- Coordination of the activities of university departments and SNO structural divisions in the field of organizing student scientific research, using their results (to date, 15 scientific associations have been created at faculties, institutes and other structural divisions of OSU named after I.S. Turgenev), conducting student scientific events various levels, organization of scientific trips, etc.
- Informing students about planned scientific conferences, seminars, competitions, exhibitions and other scientific events and about the opportunity to participate in them.
- Establishing and developing contacts with the SNO of other universities and research institutions for the purpose of joint scientific activities and exchange of experience.
- Coverage of SNO activities in the media and the Internet.
Research work of students is among the priority tasks of the university. Student science is integrated into university projects. Already today, members of the OSU SNO take part in carrying out scientific research and development within the framework of grants. Research is conducted in various areas of science, and highly qualified scientific and teaching staff with extensive experience in carrying out scientific projects and the modern material and technical base of the university allow them to be carried out efficiently.
The SNO is headed by the chairman, and the activities of the SNO are coordinated by the Department of Organizational Support of Scientific Research Works of the Directorate of Scientific Research Works and is supervised directly by the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Technological Activities and Certification of Scientific Personnel, Sergei Yuryevich Radchenko.
If you are interested in the work of the SNO, want to learn more about it or take part in events held by the SSS, then write personally to the chairman of the SNO. We will be glad to see you!!!
Contacts: Ksenia Yuryevna Kandurova – Chairman of the SNO,
e-mail:, Naugorskoe highway 29, room. 174
Information about the Olympiads