Visa extension

Extension of a study visa

Foreign citizens who arrived at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev” for studies must extend their temporary stay/residence period in a timely manner. The period of temporary stay of persons who entered the territory of the Russian Federation on a visa is determined by the validity period of their existing visa.

A foreign student is required to submit documents to the Passport and Visa Control and Support Sector (hereinafter referred to as SPVKiS) for a new multiple-entry visa no less than 45 days before the expiration of the previous visa.

To extend a visa, it is necessary to pay a state fee - 1920 rubles (fee amount as of 01.07.2024)

Required documents for visa extension:

- Copies of filled in passport pages
- Copy of Orel city registration
- Copy of migration card
- Copy of fingerprint card
- Copy of study contract (if studying on a fee-paying basis)/
- Referral from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (if studying within the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation)

- 2 photos (3x4 on a white background)
- Original medical examination certificates
- Receipt of payment of state fee

The decision to issue a visa and extend the period of stay is made exclusively by the territorial division of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Oryol Region.

Failure to apply to the SPVKIS in a timely manner is grounds for refusal to accept documents. In this case, a foreign citizen is obliged to leave the territory of the Russian Federation and return to study with new permits.