Dormitory N 1
Address: 302026, Orel, Konsomolskaya str., 115
Tel: (4862) 74-44-45 - reception
from the bus station - any trolleybus - to the stop "Universitet"
from the railway station - trolleybus № 1 - to the stop "Universitet"
Head of the dormitory: Lavrova Tatiana Petrovna
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory № 1 is 630 rubles per month (36 rubles - living accommodation, 594 rubles - public utilities);
for students studying on a paid basis: 1080 rubles.per month, of which: 36 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises, 1044 rubles - payment for utilities.
Dormitory N 2
Address: 302026, Orel, Komsomolskaya str. 117
Tel: (4862) 74-41-84 - reception
from the bus station - any trolleybus - to the stop "Universitet"
from the railway station - trolleybus № 1 - to the stop "Universitet"
Head of the dormitory: Kameneva Nataliia Anatolievna
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory № 2 is 550 rubles per month (36 rubles - living accommodation, 514 rubles - public utilities);
for students studying on a paid basis: 1050 rubles.per month, of which: 36 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises, 1014 rubles - payment for utilities.
Dormitory N 3
Address: 302026, Orel, MOPRa str., 16
Tel: (4862) 74-44-58 - reception
from the bus station - any trolleybus - to the stop "Universitet"
from the railway station - trolleybus № 1 - to the stop "Universitet"
Head of the dormitory: Shoshina Natalia Vladimirovna
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory № 3 is 1100 rubles per month (55 rubles - living accommodation, 1045 rubles - public utilities);
for students studying on a paid basis: 1310 rubles.per month, of which:55 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises, 1255 rubles - payment for utilities.
Dormitory N 4
Address: 302026, Orel, MOPRa str., 14a
Tel: (4862) 59-03-96 - reception
from the bus station - any trolleybus - to the stop "Universitet"
from the railway station - trolleybus № 1 - to the stop "Universitet"
Head of the dormitory: Timankova Tatyana Anatolievna
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory № 4 is 1070 rubles per month,of which: 74 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises, 996 rubles - payment for utilities)
for students studying on a paid basis: 1510 rubles.per month, of which: 74 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises, 1436 rubles - payment for utilities.
Dormitory N 5
Address: 302040, Orel, Maxim Gorky str., 115
Tel: (4862) 41-22-73 - reception
from the bus station - trolleybus № 6 to the terminal stop
from the railway station - trolleybus № 5 - to the bus stop "ulitsa 8 Marta", transfer to trolleybus № 6 - to the terminal stop.
Head of the dormitory: Suvorova Lyudmila Vladimirovna
- tel: 8 906-663-66-62
- email:
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory № 5 is 560 rubles (35 rubles - living accommodation, 525 rubles - public utilities);
for students studying on a paid basis: 950 rubles.per month, of which: 35 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises, 915 rubles - payment for utilities.
Dormitory N 6
Address: Orel, Naugorskoe shosse, 29-a
Tel: (4862) 41-98-82 - reception
from the railway station - trolleybus № 5 - to the terminal stop.
Head of the dormitory: Timakhina Galina Leonidovna
- tel: 8 906-662-10-01
- email:
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory № 6 is 1110 rubles (69 rubles - living accommodation, 1041 rubles - public utilities);
for students studying on a paid basis: 1350 rubles.per month, of which: 51 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises, 1281 rubles - payment for utilities.
Dormitory N 7
Address: 302030, Orel, Staro-Maoskovskaya str., 14
Tel: (4862) 55-46-87 - reception
from the bus station - trolleybus № 1- to the stop "zavod im. Medvedeva"
from the railway station - trolleybus № 5 - to the stop "zavod im. Medvedeva"
Head of the dormitory: Novikova Natalia Vladimirovna
- tel: 8 962-481-33-30
- email:
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory № 7 is 810 rubles (53 rubles - living accommodation,757rubles - public utilities);
for students studying on a paid basis: 1050 rubles.per month, of which: 53 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises,997 rubles - payment for utilities.
Dormitory N 8
Address: 302030, Orel, Polikarpova str., 32
Tel: (4862) 54-38-91 - reception
from the bus station - trolleybus № 1 - to the stop "zavod im. Medvedeva"
from the railway station - trolleybus № 5 - to the stop "zavod im. Medvedeva"
Head of the dormitory: Shpileva Maria Aleksandrovna
- tel: 8 906-571-11-99
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory № 8 is 560 rubles (35 rubles - living accommodation, 525 rubles - public utilities);
for students studying on a paid basis: 820 rubles.per month, of which: 35 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises, 785 rubles - payment for utilities.
Dormitory N 9
Address: Orel, Naugorskoe shosse, 29, building 1
Phone: 7-960-647-39-99 - watch
from the railway station - trolley bus number 5 to the final stop
Head of the dormotory: Volkova Lyudmila Yanovna
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory N9 is 910 rubles per month, of which: 70 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises, 840 rubles - payment for utilities;
for students studying on a paid basis: 1270 rubles per month, of which: 70 rubles - payment for the use of residential premises, 1200 rubles - payment for utilities.
Dormitories of Mtsensk branch of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orel State University named after I.S.Turgenev"
Address: 303030, Mtsensk, Turgeneva str., 196
Tel: 8 (48646) 2-29-13 - reception
from the railway station - bus № 1 - to the bus stop "Avtovoksal",
Dormitory supervisor: Lentyaeva Aleksandra Ivanovna
- tel: 8 920-807-78-26
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory is 284,87 rubles (26,94 rubles - living accommodation, 257,93 rubles - public utilities);
Address: 303031, Mtsensk, Karla Marxa str., 45
Tel: 8 (48646) 2-17-28 - reception
from the bus station - buses № 1,2,4 - to the stop "Park Pobedy"
from the railway station - buses № 1,5,6 - to the stop "Park Pobedy",
Dormitory supervisor: Tyurikova Elena Ivanovna
- tel: 8 953-61-23-669
Dormitory work responsible person: Tyurikova Elena Ivanovna
- tel: 8 953-61-23-669
Fees for a living accommodation and public utilities in the dormitory is 423,44 rubles (25,32 rubles - living accommodation, 398,12 rubles - public utilities);
"Orel State University named after I.S.Turgenev" defines the division of places in the dormitory and the order of the dormitory check-in according to the Provision "Student dormitory" (П ОГУ 84-07-06-2021) of August 24, 2021 and regulations of provision of accommodations and dormitory check-ins (link to the regulations) and announced by the order of rector of the Orel State University named after I.S.Turgenev.
Campus life
Heads of dormitories and the Student Board (student autonomous body) carry out character building in dormitories according to the complex plan, which includes the creation of necessary conditions for living, self-education, life and recreation, well-being, and allows to host mass cultural events and recreative sports, recreation evenings, literary soirees, dispute, mindset trainings, meetings with interesting people, etc.
Some of traditional events are: competition "The best room in the dormitory", "Neighbors initiation ceremony", different sports events. There is a psychologists office to help students and their families. There are annually conducted a course of lectures on such issues as tobacco smoking, drug addiction, AIDS preventive measures, youth sex education.